View Full Version : New to forum need help

06-04-2012, 09:32 AM
Hi I am new to this forum and was wondering what advice you may be able to give to help with anxiety attacks. I have been suffering over the last month or so with frequent panic attacks with shortness of breath and feelings of doom, I get hot and cold sweats and feel like my heart is racing.
I do not want to go on anxiety meds if I can avoid them so any help is appreciated. I honestly feel like I have been a walking panic attack for the last 48 hours.

06-05-2012, 12:19 AM
Sorry to hear that! I know meds sound bad but I've been on .5mg of alprazolam prn for 5 years now for my anxiety and its so helpful because it's not daily just as needed, works fast and doesn't knock u on ur butt! Also try breathing techniques and or if u have an iPod or smartphone download a few free relaxation anxiety help apps....pop in some headphones it just go to a quiet place for 10 min and listen ...they really help me alot to relax and get through my attacks!! Good luck with everything

06-05-2012, 02:37 AM
Shucks... another one bites the anxiety dust...

Your symptoms are VERY typical and common between us (innapropriately) anxious folk.

(Mostly thank your overly active andrenal glands for all that weird nonsense going on in your body)

I assume you've been to your docs. and had a general once-over? (Fasting blood test, ECG's, Thyroid test and so on?)
If not - you should do this first to help eliminate unnecessary worries & nail biting.

If your doc. thinks you have anxiety then they should refer you to a national health councillor or (preferably) a phsychotherapist.
After a few sessions with either you would then typically move on to a cognitive therapist - these will help you most.

Assuming you have anxiety disorder;
You have to recognise and accept this is what you have. Once you're convinced, you'll start to ignore the symptoms.
Once you start ignoring the symptoms - they tend to dissappear by themselves.