View Full Version : Anxiety prevents me from leaving the house

06-02-2012, 12:23 AM
Hi all. I'm new here, but thought I'd give this forum a shot. It can't hurt to talk to other people who are going through the same things as me, right?

I am a 27 year old female and was diagnosed with anxiety years ago, but was also recently diagnosed with depression. The doc started me on prozac and xanax (for the rougher times). The problem with me is I am sick a lot, which the doctor believes is due to anxiety/stress/depression. I have stomach problems which include nausea, bloating, constipation, etc, I get light-headed and have passed out, and I am fatigued almost constantly. These symptoms prevent me from hardly ever leaving the house (the occasional trip to wal-mart can be incredibly stressful) and I often have panic attacks because I am so concerned about having a health-related incident in public (throwing up, passing out, etc). Therefore I just stay home, because home is safe and home is the easy option, and if I feel bad then at least I'm in the most comfortable place for something to happen to me. Unfortunately, now I feel like a hermit. I'm dying to do ANYTHING! I miss being able to see people, hang out with friends, go places, do things! I am a college student, luckily taking online classes at the moment, and I feel like everyone around me is living a happy and fulfilling life while I lock myself up in my house because I am too afraid of having one of these health episodes or panic attacks.

Anybody out there ever experience anything like this or have any advice for me? I feel like life is so mundane lately... I wake up, just to find enough things to busy myself all day just so that I can go back to sleep again and do it all over the next day. I rarely smile, I rarely laugh, and the only social life I have is with my mom (the only person I can really be around without being too nervous) and facebook. I used to be so outgoing, and have so many friends, and really enjoy life! Now I struggle to have any motivation to keep going (don't worry guys, not a suicide threat, just sayin!) Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

06-02-2012, 01:54 AM
I think that fact that you want to do things and leave the house is a positive step. I have suffered from anxiety/depression on and off for many years and find that when i am very depressed I just give up and don't care that I'm not leaving the house and that I have no life. So being in a position where you want to change is great even if it's hard getting motivated! I am very similar to you and have spent chunks of my life indoors because I'm scared off having a panic attack or being unwell in public. It's hard work to get out of periods like this but is do-able. Medication and seeing a therapist has helped me a lot along with learning relaxation exercises. For me it's very important to take baby steps but also push myself. So if I go through a bad patch with anxiety i will try my very best to get out the house at least once every day no matter how awful I feel. I'll start going out just for a few minutes and not too far away and eventually build up the time and distance i am away from my house. I also find that beating myself up about it doesn't help, like if I do end up having a panic when i am out then I used to get very frustrated and angry with myself but that just doesn't help. Anxiety is a horrible thing but can be dealt with in different ways you just need to find what works for you and keep looking towards a brighter future.

06-02-2012, 12:47 PM
Thanks Buttercup :) The baby steps are what I am working on right now. I have been making short trips to wal-mart or similar places just to walk around and try to "feel normal". Sometimes I get panicky and try to talk myself through the panic, comforting myself with "you can always just walk out, get in your car, and leave if gets too bad". The loneliness is killing me though, I've always had people around me and I've always had a boyfriend, but I don't now. I don't mind being single, I just can't stand the lonely, cooped-up feeling that comes along with all this.

06-03-2012, 02:01 AM
Right now I'm in the same boat as you! Sometimes I often get it in my head that it's not anxiety. Most days I try and go to Walmart because I need groceries and have to end up leaving ASAP. Sometimes before I even get out of the car. It's a hard struggle and I know what your going through! Sometimes I take walks (when I'm not exhausted and my heart isn't pounding) and that helps give me a little more energy. Most days I wake up and my heart is pounding and I'm so exhausted! I definitely understand what your going through.

07-08-2012, 03:23 PM
Hi all. I'm new here, but thought I'd give this forum a shot. It can't hurt to talk to other people who are going through the same things as me, right?

I am a 27 year old female and was diagnosed with anxiety years ago, but was also recently diagnosed with depression. The doc started me on prozac and xanax (for the rougher times). The problem with me is I am sick a lot, which the doctor believes is due to anxiety/stress/depression. I have stomach problems which include nausea, bloating, constipation, etc, I get light-headed and have passed out, and I am fatigued almost constantly. These symptoms prevent me from hardly ever leaving the house (the occasional trip to wal-mart can be incredibly stressful) and I often have panic attacks because I am so concerned about having a health-related incident in public (throwing up, passing out, etc). Therefore I just stay home, because home is safe and home is the easy option, and if I feel bad then at least I'm in the most comfortable place for something to happen to me. Unfortunately, now I feel like a hermit. I'm dying to do ANYTHING! I miss being able to see people, hang out with friends, go places, do things! I am a college student, luckily taking online classes at the moment, and I feel like everyone around me is living a happy and fulfilling life while I lock myself up in my house because I am too afraid of having one of these health episodes or panic attacks.

Anybody out there ever experience anything like this or have any advice for me? I feel like life is so mundane lately... I wake up, just to find enough things to busy myself all day just so that I can go back to sleep again and do it all over the next day. I rarely smile, I rarely laugh, and the only social life I have is with my mom (the only person I can really be around without being too nervous) and facebook. I used to be so outgoing, and have so many friends, and really enjoy life! Now I struggle to have any motivation to keep going (don't worry guys, not a suicide threat, just sayin!) Any advice or words of encouragement would be appreciated. Thanks for reading.

Hi, Im new to this forum. Im going through the same situation as we speak. I've beem diagnosed with anxiety disorder and depression. Right now its a struggle. I haven't been out the house in Weeks. Not to long ago, I tried to go to Walmart, but the time I was about to get through the door, I turned around and went back home. So I can understand what you going through. I thought I was the only one going through this. If you need someone to talk, you can talk to me and we can get through this together. just private message me and just take it from there. Take care and God bless

08-03-2012, 10:51 AM
Feel the fear and do it anyway! in other words basically just face your fears head on. Go out to town. Take a friend with you if thats helps.

I used to avoid busy places at all costs but now I try and go out and i have my good days where i feel fine and bad days where i either just want avoid going out and days where I go out but still get a little anxious.

its all about just taking small steps to overcoming this issue. It tajes time but the more you avoid things the more worse things can get