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05-21-2012, 12:42 PM
Hi im matt for nearly a year now iv bin suffering with anxiety/painc attacks.i didnt know what was happening to me for the first few months,then i went to the docs an they said anxity an nothin to worry about lol. Around christmas this year i started with palps an on new years day they didnt stop all day long so off the a&e i went they said it was panic(which was very hard to believe).this wwnt on for month till i went to the docs again an had a ec the nurse said it was ok apart for the anxiety but it was nothing.once i stoped worring about it, it just went away apart from a little bump here an their.so with that over an done with iv started panicing about my eye sight i cant stop checking my vision.just half an hour ago i was on the loo playin on my phone an when i looked up the wall was shaking then i go into melt down an im convinced somthing is wrong with my eyes just sick always worrying about things its making my life hell!!!! Has anyone else expernced this? Thanks for reading ;-)

05-21-2012, 07:10 PM
I do this constantly. I'm always checking my neck and throat. I'm always dizzy and I get adrenaline wages that just make me go straight to panic. My eyes have played tricks too! My body trembles all the time. I hate this so much. I think I'm starting to realize its anxiety as the dizzy tension only comes on when I'm anxious! It's all my bad thought pattern I think

05-22-2012, 01:59 PM
Yeah i know what u mean bab iv had i really hard time with it.when i think its starting to go away it hits me out the blue an scares the livin shit out of me feel like im the only one withs this when it happens an proper sucks x

05-22-2012, 02:31 PM
Are you afraid of the feelings like me? Do you get random adrenaline zaps in your head and chest? I'm so afraid of every symptom I think I get it going when it's not even there

05-22-2012, 05:54 PM
I get those zaps too. And yea it freaks me out.. I get scared something is wrong with me and it's a symptom of some physical sickness. How to cope? Do u know?

05-23-2012, 12:55 PM
How to cope? Hmmm if I knew I wouldn't be on these sites. Today is rough. I feel like it ruined my life. It's been 8 months. I'm always spaced out a d grumpy. People notice I'm not the same. I get tense shoulders and then feel the dizzy eyes etc when I look up or down. My head gets tingly at the back. Usually I end up in tears. Ativan takes it away when I can no longer cope. I too fear it's some illness they are not finding. Even though I've been to tons of specialists and had ct scans