View Full Version : check this out

01-22-2007, 08:03 PM
what do you guys think of this, i found this info on a site that claims to have the cure for panic disorder

Five facts that you need to know about Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

They are not mental illnesses, they are behavioural conditions
They are not caused by chemical imbalances
They do not require medication or drug treatments
They have nothing to do with insanity or madness
You do not require therapy, hypnosis, herbal treatments...

01-23-2007, 03:19 AM
Five facts that you need to know about Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD):

They are not mental illnesses, they are behavioural conditions
They are not caused by chemical imbalances
They do not require medication or drug treatments
They have nothing to do with insanity or madness
You do not require therapy, hypnosis, herbal treatments...

HA... Right. :lol:

It should read:

1. "They are not a serious incurable mental illnesses such as schizophrenia."
2. "The illnesses are often triggered by chemical imbalances in the brain and are usually genetic."
3. "Medication or drugs can help sufferers cope in the short term, giving the sufferer chance to focus on long term recovery"
4. "They have nothing to do with insanity or madness" (this one is true one out of five isn't bad)
5. "The most important thing is to get therapy. Hypnosis and Herbal treatments also help some people"
6. " We want your money so ignore these facts and come to us anyway."

:evil: God these people p*** me off! They'll tell you anything to get your money .

What was the site called?


01-23-2007, 03:01 PM
If you think about it, its all in the way you think.

What I've been doing lately is what I call change/remove thought processing.

So once I get a bad/anxious thought in my head I try and change it into something that makes me happy, or I try to remove it alltogether, and it's been working so far somewhat.

V for Victor
01-23-2007, 03:17 PM
If you think about it, its all in the way you think.

What I've been doing lately is what I call change/remove thought processing.

So once I get a bad/anxious thought in my head I try and change it into something that makes me happy, or I try to remove it alltogether, and it's been working so far somewhat.

That's a simple formula for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which invalidates point number five on the list.

Sadly, things like anxiety/depression ARE related to chemical imbalances and genetics. This has been proven extensively.