View Full Version : Hi all :)

05-14-2012, 10:34 PM
Hi! My name is Abbey I'm 21 year old and for as long as I can remember I've been a suffere of Social Anxiety along with a bit...well maybe more than a bit of Codependency issues. I tend to be Codependent on other people around me. It is very hard for me to do anything in a social setting without one of my "safe people", and even then it can be daunting. I am on two anti anxiety medicines and they do help, but I know that medicine is not a quick fix. Anyways I'd love to get to know some people here and hear others stories. Please feel free to comment or message me any time.

<3 Abbey

07-22-2012, 11:33 PM
Hey there, you are not alone in here, thats one thing for sure.

I hope that you find the help and support to get well again.