View Full Version : Please help me ! Tongue feels big & Jaw Heavy after dental work yesterday, ANXIETY ?

05-10-2012, 04:07 PM
Hello, Im so glad I found this forum. I am a nervous wreck and feel very anxious, and scared. I have had lots of dental work before, and yesterday when I left the office I have felt like my jaw is very heavy, shortness of breath and my tongue feels bigger, and it feels liek it does NOT fit in my mouth. I keep putting my tongue between my top and bottom teeth becuase it feels like it wont fit. Is this a sign of anxiety ? Iam going back to the dentist in the mornong becuase I think they shaved the crown down too much, but I still not sure if all these symtoms are anxiety or physical symptoms ? thank so much, and how can I realax ? thanks again

05-10-2012, 04:12 PM
I find with anxiety that when you focus on a specific part of your body the more strange it becomes to feel and then the more panicked you become. even if you dont think your focusing on it you can subconsciously. ive had this with my legs and head and have also had the same thing with my tounge feeling too big. and the shortness of breath? very likely anxiety. so i wouldn't worry too much and if your really worried speak to your dentist

05-10-2012, 06:57 PM
Thanks for your reply. I hope ur right ...Im nervous and so worried..:(