View Full Version : Is this anxiety??

05-09-2012, 10:33 PM
Leftside chest and throat discomfort.. fades away when I excersise but comes back when I'm resting.. Is this anxiety??

05-10-2012, 05:17 AM
There are so many symptoms to having anxiety. I would say if it was just a one time deal. It would possibly be anxiety. However I am not a medical professional I would suggest going to a doctor to figure it out if it persists.

05-10-2012, 06:56 AM
If it fades during exercise, it ain't the heart(in all likelyhood). Alankay

05-10-2012, 01:43 PM
@CKR Jus been happening lately.. I say over a week..but I just feel its my anxiety.. :/

05-11-2012, 12:17 PM
I have left sided chest pain too. But mine is localized. I can pinpoint the location of the pain 8 of 10 times to a spot directly on my collar-bone. In addition to the localized pain however, I have pain that runs down my left arm, in my arm pit, in my left carotid, and in my back. The doctors think it may be tied in with my hiatal hernia and it may be manipulating my vagus nerve which is causing my pains. If you were having heart problems, you would be lightheaded, have nausea, sweats, rapid heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and the pain would be across your whole chest. If you are having any combination of these symptoms, you should seek medical attention to rule out any cardiac conditions before making any assumptions about anxiety.

Sometimes, when pain is present while at rest but not while exercising, it could be an issue with blood flow. Have you had your cholesterol checked lately?

I agree with alankay, though. If you feel better when exercising, it's probably not your heart, but watch for other symptoms as well.