View Full Version : new here my problem

05-07-2012, 05:44 PM
Hello im new here, id like to know if anyone else has experienced what i have

2 years ago at around 2 am i was at my computer (i was 17 and had left school) and i felt this burning sensation on my throat and face area so and felt the urge to get up and drink water, so when i got up from my chair i instantly felt dizzy and that i was going to faint, so i lay on my bed and told my older brother to call my mother, but 30 seconds later i started feeling better and told him it wasnt needed, next day at around 9 pm i had the same feeling again and felt my throat closing and next morning woke up not being able to swallow, in my mind i had a throat infection , even took antibiotics.... wich i regret cause im scared they could have caused some problem. but then i was not able to swallow properly or breathe for 8 months, until in february 2011 i went to the doctor, I told her i rarely would go outside of my house, and had no friends, and spent 20/7 on my computer since i couldnt sleep for longer than 4 hours and she told me that i had panic disorder due to not sleeping enough and so much stress form the computer etc, and nnot having any activities to be busy with would only make it worse, so i went home convinced that that was the problem, and summer of 2011 was spent fine, but then i moved again to my uncles house and i dont go out much anymore so the symptoms are back, i can swallow (slowly but i can) but now i have this click in my adam apple cartilage , under my jaw, and my throat sometimes hurts for some minutes , and im allways clearing my throat ,like i have way too much saliva in my mouth all the time.. and im scared im going to die at just 19, i feel im too young to have a serious illness but i keep thinking i do cause i smoked 5 years ago for 2 months
thanks for reading

05-07-2012, 06:10 PM
Anxiety can cause many physiological symptoms, or, make the smallest symptom a huge issue. For instance, I have a cut on my pinky, it got a little infected and I am very concerned about staph. Same goes for head pressure I get sometimes, I automatically attribute it to a brain tumor. Anxietycentre has a great list for what could possibly be triggered by anxiety. But always be sure to have a checkup with your doctor to negate anything else!

05-07-2012, 07:55 PM
Yep, sure can be anxiety but get checked to get cleared of allergies, etc. Then pursue treatment for anxiety proper. There's too much out there to see and do as well as folks to meet to stay indoors due to anxiety!!! PM me any time. Alankay