View Full Version : Good treatment for me?

05-07-2012, 06:00 AM
Ok, it seems I have been dealing with Anxiety for the past year or so. I am 16 years old, and a Sophmore in Highschool (guy). Anxiety runs in my family for sure, I have talked to various members of my family and most of them agree. I think mine ,might be a little worse but here are some of my symptoms:

Anxious most of the time (good days and bad days, really aren't triggered by anything..this applies to everything)
Sometimes paranoid
Feeling exhausted

Should I look into a medication or some other form of treatment? I would prefer a medication that isn't too addicting as well. Idk, I just need some assistance.

05-07-2012, 06:44 AM
Yes, sound like anxiety and Generalized Anxiety Disorder specifically. I would ask my GP about buspar and/or fluoxetine. Both I am pretty sure are OK for the under 18 crowd.:) He might also try lyrica but leave that to him. Believe me he knows all about how to start anxiety treatment. PM me any time. Alankay.

05-07-2012, 08:49 AM
Definitely sounds like you have GAD. I have it too,and go through periods that are worse then others. I have all those symptoms. Being 20,I know how it feels being a young person with anxiety. It can be very frustrating. If I were you,I would try natural things first. Take magnesium and amino acid pills...exercise to relieve stress,eat healthy and make sure your getting enough sleep. If that doesn't help and you feel like your anxiety is making your quality of life worse,I would talk to a doctor about it.

05-07-2012, 03:41 PM
Today I am pretty sure I had another panic attack after being alright for 3-4 days. What sucks the most about the aftermath is the paranoia and depersonalization. I got some magnesium and amino acid tablets from the drug store today and I took one of each. I hope they are the right ones as well. I should prolly take each once a day, right?

05-07-2012, 03:56 PM
Either my mind is playing tricks on me or something is certainly amazing but it seems after taking 1 of each 30 minutes ago I have calmed down a lot. Hopefully not a coincidence.

Also, I am a weightlifter and on a very clean diet so I doubt any of that is affecting me.

05-09-2012, 10:49 AM
Yeah take them once a day at the same time if you can. They can help a little bit at first but won't be fully in your system a couple weeks. A lack of magnesium alone can cause anxiety,but not always. Your amino acids in your body get depleted from stress. The combination probably won't cure your anxiety,but it can make you better equipped to fight it. If it helps,I'm going through a period of paranoid and depersonalization too. It's the worst part. Remind yourself that you just have an overstressed body. That you have been through plenty of attacks and lived. I always tell myself it doesn't matter if I have a panic attack,because it can't hurt me and I will calm down like always. Some people can't even go half a day without having a panic attack. Your doing better then you think.

05-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Either my mind is playing tricks on me or something is certainly amazing but it seems after taking 1 of each 30 minutes ago I have calmed down a lot. Hopefully not a coincidence.

Also, I am a weightlifter and on a very clean diet so I doubt any of that is affecting me.

Hey I lift too, what kind of diet are you on. I am usually sticking to low carb so I eat eggs, cheese, broccoli, turkey burgers, etc.

05-09-2012, 03:42 PM
Good post brittany, hopefully it does improve and good luck with yours.

Nuriyan, I am on a bulking diet and just trying to get as many calories in as possible but from healthy fats, protein, and carbs. Looking to gain 12-15 pounds of muscle by the end of the summer.