View Full Version : Constantly Thinking

05-07-2012, 03:42 AM
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the forum,so I'll just give you my story.I was diagnosed with Vertigo in March.I had 2 epleys done which stopped the dizziness,but has left me with foggy head feeling and on/off mild swaying.On rare occasions,I have had a completely clear head which felt great,but it has always come back.In the past 2 weeks,I have begun to think constantly about this and now I have added anxiety into the mix.I take Melissa tablets to help me sleep,but I am only getting broken sleep.I find that I have a lot of random,senseless thoughts which seem to come from nowhere as I am trying to get back asleep.Anyone else have this?I also find that I don't really want to talk to or meet people and don't like going into crowds anymore. Anyhow,has anyone any tips to stop the constant thinking about this during the day as it making my life a misery.


05-07-2012, 03:26 PM
What are Melissa tabs? I'm going on7 months post dizzy and motion sensitive. But have awful anxiety now out of fear. It's horrid but one day at a time right?

05-08-2012, 06:26 AM
Kmarie they are over the counter herbal tablets to help you relax.They help me to get a little more sleep.I don't think about having a dizzy spell but I have let irrational thoughts take over.I need to break this hold it has on me at the moment and think good thoughts.