View Full Version : Feeling safe

05-03-2012, 02:14 PM
I have anxiety disorder and I don't feel safe. Can anyone explain why???

05-03-2012, 02:33 PM
Your probably experiencing paranoia maybe from trust issues from things that have happened to you.

05-03-2012, 06:30 PM
I think you should ignore what Ranger said...

There's a very reasonable and specific explanation for your feelings.

When you have an anxiety disorder, your nervous system is on edge. Regardless of what caused it, your nerves are highly sensitized. When it culminates in a panic attack, adrenaline surges through your body and you go into "fight or flight" mode- our body's natural survival mechanism. When we feel threatened, our body prepares to either fight off the threat or to run away to safety. An anxiety disorder is when this mechanism falsely activates.

Even when you aren't having an actual panic attack, your brain and nerves are still on edge. Your brain thinks "This must be happening because there is a threat nearby!" because that's how your body acts when there is actually a threat. Except there is no threat, you just have an anxiety disorder.

Your nervous system is tricking your mind into thinking there is a threat, but there isn't. You aren't going crazy, and it won't hurt you (it's a safety mechanism after all!)

Recovery will happen when you can teach your mind and body "No, there is no threat. I do not need to be on high alert like this."