View Full Version : Great Hope Then Disappointment

04-26-2012, 08:13 AM
I have been through this a hundred times - think I have found something that will help - looks promising then I crash and it does not work or it makes me worse. This includes everything from a new therapist to a new therapy to herbs and other things.

Last week I discovered Passion flower herb - the first night I took I slept better than I had in years and the next day was my best in 6 months - next night again great sleep then the next day not so good and the next night worse - then a huge negative reaction and a horrible day. Took a few days off and tried is again last night and I am a total mess.

I feel so lost and hopeless - having to give up another possibility and going back to the hell that I just survive barely every second.

04-26-2012, 02:51 PM
Have you tried chamomile tea at all? I drink it two times a day sometimes. I really find that it calms me down and makes me feel relaxed.

04-26-2012, 05:34 PM
Have you tried the Fuck It Way? Basically, you say Fuck It to everything and completely give up on trying, only to find a blissful happy state of peace and calm in the present moment?

From someone who once had a serious panic disorder and agoraphobia and now I have none, I can tell you that supplements are great to take and should be taken to nourish and calm you, and reduced breathing exercises did wonders for me. Eating right and yoga and exercise also are key.

But the #1 thing is to understand the root is in your mind. It is the control center of your body. Just like Green Lantern who uses his will to fight fear, so can you. Go laugh your ass off.