View Full Version : Over / hyper sensitive to all sorts of supplements / drugs

04-24-2012, 12:50 PM
I have chronich hyperventilation with a anxiety disorder and depression. I'm really trying to cure this by breathing techniques, healthy eating, daily rythm and trying some supplements.

But what is the problem with almost all supplements...it makes me feel worse and sometime a lot! When i take probably 1/4 of the recommended dosage i feel spaced out, more drowsy, have more brain fog, etc etc. I have the same problems with drugs which i recieved from my doctor (like antidepressants, benzos, etc).

Is this typical for hyperventilation anxiety? I know partially it's created by myself just because of thinking i might get side effects, but that isn't causing all. I remember that the first time i took paxil i didn't even know what it was suppose to do and wasn;t afraid of any side effects at all. But after taking the first dosage i was extremely tired, began to speak weird, feeled spaced out, etc.

Most strange about it is that when i was about 15-16 years old i tried xtc. The first time i took 1/4 of a pill. Next time i took 1/2 of a pill but didnt notice anything at all. The second time i took 1/4 extra but still nothing. After the 3th time, when i took 1 pill i endly felt good after all. At that time i wasn't sensitive to drugs/supplements at all.

How comes i'm so sensitive now?

Does anyone recognise this sensitivity?

Thanks for all replies!
