View Full Version : anxiety gone but obsessions..

04-23-2012, 02:14 PM
anxiety doesn't seem to be much of an issue at the minute.

i am still very obsessive though!
as a few of you are all aware, my new obsession is cats.

i would just like to understand a bit better as to whhhhyyy

i am sneakily buying things for them online without my oh knowing.

i've just spent a fortune on a cat tree and lied about the price lol
it's not funny really.

i've put them on alot more expensive food.
while i know this is all good for the cats, and i'm pleased with this, rather than not!

why am like this? i thought the anxiety was the problem...but with little or no anxiety, the obsessions are still there. how?

04-23-2012, 02:32 PM
Anxiety and obsessions are linked. The worry that feeds anxiety is a bit of an obsession. Like a cycle of extra negative energy that must be released I guess. I wish I knew and had a fix for thouse effected. Luck cats. Alankay

04-24-2012, 11:50 AM
are you repressing some other issue that is going on in your life? the cat obsession might just be a way for your mind to not think about what is bothering you. If you don't deal with it, it will only get worse. hope you figure it out : )

04-24-2012, 01:44 PM
thanx for your replies!

i really don't know if i am repressing some other issue.
i wouldn't say so...but i don't know!

before my cat obsession - my obsession was on my health before that, it was something else.
i don't remember a time i didn't have an obsession :confused:

i do know that my old therapist (when dealing with my anorexia), claimed that in order to beat my anorexia, i had to find out the cause of it.
only i have had anorexia since before i can actually remember. so....how is it even possible to remember something that isn't actually possible to remember?

so, therefore, does that mean that i just need to get on with my anorexia and anxiety - since the two are linked, then surely they both have the same cause? which means, i'm stuck with it since it's not possible to remember the actual issue...