View Full Version : Not sure what to do with myself

04-23-2012, 04:44 AM
Due to my anxiety I am almost housebound at the moment, doing simple tasks such as popping out to buy milk is a struggle and brings on panic attacks. Is anyone else in a situation like this? I do manage to attend weekly therapy sesssions though and am ok to go and visit my parents but that's really it. I am also struggling with the boredom of being like this and of not having anything to do. I am desperate to go out and live my life but at the moment it is proving to be very hard. In a way I am glad that I am bored as it means I am not declining into depression and I still have the motivation to try and get better. I tend to stay up late and sleep in late, I also nap a lot as I find anxiety exhausting but also I think it's because I have nothing else to do. I keep on top of housework, play ps3, read books, watch tv, but to me that is not much of an existence.
I was wondering what other people do to fill their day and pass the time.
many thanks,
B x

04-23-2012, 06:12 AM
Hi there, I'm sorry you feel so panicked :/, it's a scary spiral when you are constantly having anxiety over being anxious and over trying to find ways to get better and feeling like you can't. Do you live by yourself? I find that when I'm alone and try to distract myself by cleaning and doing things around the house, it makes my panic a lot worse. I get caught up thinking constantly about what other things around the house I can do to try and distract myself. Do you have any hobbies or anything you like to do/used to like?? I used to love to do ballet and this year I forced myself to sign up for a class and every week after I go I feel a lot better and that I am doing something I really enjoy besides finding ways to simply distract myself. If its too tough to leave the house right now, don't beat yourself up about it, there are plenty of ways to do something that makes you happy besides cleaning or reading in your house for now.

Mostly try not to be mad at yourself for feeling so anxious and anxiety ridden right now, it's not permanent. I know sometimes when I get really bad and feel like I will never get better I have to really remind myself that nothing is permanent and eventually I will feel better.
Think of one thing you can do today that would make you happy and try to do it. And then maybe make a list of stuff you would like to do so you have some things to look forward to and work up to doing. I hope you find something that will cheer you up today :) -Laura

04-23-2012, 09:20 AM
Thanks Laura. I do live by myself (and 2 cats) but my partner stays regularly and he is a great help. All the things i would like to do involve leaving the house- meeting friends for coffee, shopping, swimming, returning to work. I am trying to build myself up to resuming normal activities and am taking baby steps every day- I do try to leave the house everyday but usually it's just for 5 or 10 minutes. You are right about not beating myself up about it, this is something I do regularly and I really need to stop! Thanks so much for the reply and reminding me that this is temporary- I have got over it before and I will again, I just wish I could click my fingers and be "normal"! x