View Full Version : Please help me

04-23-2012, 12:54 AM
has anyone experinced a pain in there back, between there shoulder blades before a full blown panic attack? I had it on and off for about 2 wks before I had a severe panic attack, if it was more then would it not of shown on ambulance ecg ? my heart was racing but nothing else showed. But its that pain in my back that I had previous that makes me think it wasnt a panic attack. I just cant think straight and feel I'm losing my mind

04-23-2012, 02:29 AM
The pain in your back is almost certainly whats causing your panic attack. Or to be more precise, your reaction to it. You feel it, start freaking out and think it's something serious, so you panic.

The back includes a very complex set of muscles and bones, which can all be easily strained. There are many reasons you would feel pain there, and it is almost certainly not life threatening or imminently dangerous.

Your thoughts, panic, etc. would seem to be a reaction to this unknown pain.

04-23-2012, 11:38 AM
Been to my doc and he says the same so plan is to take a few days off and then get back to normal before it clips my wings huhhh