View Full Version : First time psychiatrist- Questions

04-18-2012, 08:43 PM
So a little over a month ago I had a marijuana-induced panic attack that has created a moderately severe generalized anxiety disorder. Every day has been a struggle. Haven't had any BIG panic attacks since then, but heavy heavy derealization that really wears me down and has created some smaller panic attacks. I got ativan from an urgent care clinic and have started seeing someone, who recommended I see a psychiatrist to discuss antidepressants or other drugs, especially since ativan shouldn't really be a daily thing, just for when times get bad.

I was looking for any tips going into my appointment. Are there any questions I should be sure to ask?

If a discussion of specific medications comes up, although I'm sure they will know the better drugs, has anyone had an experience like mine and felt certain drugs to be very good or bad?

I'm starting a new job in the near future and have to be functional, which at this point I am on some days, but not on others. I also can't keep using ativan all the time as it's addictive and just covers up the symptoms.

04-19-2012, 04:03 AM
Write the things you want to ask down. I would also make sure to tell them about the incident u mentioned as well as anything else that has been going on with you as far as symptoms, things that trigger your anxiety.....I would also make a list for that. When I leave the drs I always remember something I had wanted to say or ask. Good luck :)

04-19-2012, 04:05 AM
Yes Ativan can be addictive. I made it a huge point to myself to not over-use it, but It always made me feel better just knowing it was in my purse in case

04-19-2012, 09:42 AM
Respect benzo...don't fear them. They can be lifesavers if used properly. Nasty if overused. Alankay