View Full Version : Sinus

04-16-2012, 12:59 PM
As anyone have a lot of sinus problems with their anxiety?

04-17-2012, 03:22 AM
oh yes! my sinuses get blocked quite alot :( i hate it!

04-17-2012, 06:02 AM
oh know did not know why I was having sinus for 2 months doctors said it sinus, and I then a few weeks later was having an anxiety attack. thank you so much for letting me know this helpful information . terrible sinus with it :)

04-17-2012, 06:49 AM
I suffer from serious anxiety and I just went to the ent doc...found out I have severe allergies and acid reflux...take something..it'll make u feel betterm

04-17-2012, 07:23 AM
Do anybody know why I have a burning sensation in my stomach? And always burping? It's really annoying me isit a part of anxeity?
Thanks guys

04-17-2012, 07:30 AM
jacques1927;44271] yes is your stomach upset or in knots. yes mine was burning a bit, was belching and fluctuating like mad , my husband though there was something wrong with me.these can be the symptoms of anxiety . i was really bad it was like having IBS which i dont have.

04-17-2012, 07:51 AM
Thanks larmer I thought I had stomach ulcers! We who suffer with anxeity think we have everything wrong with us when in actual fact we have one thing wrong with us! Anxeity!

04-17-2012, 12:34 PM
anxiety can cause other health problems...stomach, headaches, sinus. anxiety is a form of stress and stress damages the body. it can lead to more serious problems like heart attack and stroke and so on. hope i am not scaring anyone! lol. if you can treat the anxiety and stress often the other problems will go away also. eat well, excersize and manage your stress as best you can. sometimes sinus is brought on by allergies too...it is that time of year. hope you feel better soon.

04-17-2012, 11:04 PM
I have had a sinus problem for about 2 months i have had about 10 nose bleeds during that time, i have taken everything for it! nasal rinse,nasal spray,all over the counter meds and nothing seems to help! I have never had allergies before and my sinus problem started about the same time my anxiety did. I also get blurry vision, face pain and head pain and my ears have been popping for 2 months aswell. I went to ENT and he didnt really do much at all! said something about LPR and such. my nose is so stuffed up i cant even breathe through my nostrils sometimes and that just makes my anxiety worse! i don know what to do!

04-18-2012, 03:54 AM
[QUOTE=mccallie;44301] saying about oh you could get a heart attack and stroke if you have anxiety doesn't help anyone reading this. there is nothing to laugh about. People just want helpful and positive stuff said not a load of negative to frighten us even more.