View Full Version : The anxiety or the meds?

04-09-2012, 01:46 AM
Ok. This is like the paradoxical which came first, the chicken or the egg question... (by the way the answer is apparently the chicken as their ovaries contain protein essential for the development of the eggshell).

Anyway, I digress. This recent bout of anxiety has been accompanied by a state of stupidity that I am not used to. I get confused, easily distracted and I literally feel like something has burned holes in my brain when it comes to recalling information and tapping into my general knowledge. Not to mention speaking and getting the right words out.

On my run the other day I spent a good 40 minutes trying to remember who played Chandler on friends... This is not normal for me.

My question is, is it the anxiety or the Valium I have been taking that has contributed to this? I haven't noticeably experienced this with my previous trips to panic town, which I also got through with the help of Valium.

Any thoughts?

04-09-2012, 04:47 AM
i get that also :)

are the meds fairly new to your system? have you changed dosage?

if so, it could be that change is making the confusion and stuff come about.
it seems to be worrying you because it is 'new'...
i think it is fairly normal though, especially with stress and anxiety. you might not feel like that often, but it is a normal experience for people.

anxiety can bring on new symptoms quite often. try not to worry too much about it :)

04-10-2012, 05:28 AM
I know that Klonopins were taking away my anxiety and causing it at times. If you have been on valume for a considerable amount of time, and you have dropped the dosage, missed dosages, or somethign liek that, and your brain goes into withdrawal, I would think you could definitely get rebound anxiety from it.