View Full Version : had a good day today!

03-28-2012, 02:21 PM
i don't know if 3 days is long enough for meds to kick in, or if i'm psychologically affected by them...or if i'm actually trying!

but, i've had a really good day today! i've done the 'impossible'. i went out without a coat or jacket on. which might not seem like much - but if you knew me, you'd know i was always covered!
i decided to just brave it, walked out and got in the car with just a vest top on! jeans included!!

i then went about my whole day without a coat/jacket.

the second thing i braved was actually being out the whole day. it actually made me feel good!
the third thing i braved was walking to the school, without my coat, facing all those people and surviving!
then i had to go to the hospital to pick my dad up - and i actually walked through the building by myself.

i've actually been out long enough to catch a little bit of a suntan (shock horror!)

i'm quite pleased with myself!

my neighbour even commented lol. quite shameful that the whole street knows what i'm like! i suppose it's easier to handle the fact that they know, instead of trying to put on a brave face thinking that they don't!

just thought i'd post something positive for a change!