View Full Version : First hitout today

03-28-2012, 05:37 AM
I've been struggling with Anxiety for over a month now but today I went for a long walk and did small cardio work also just hopefully it's the startof me getting fit again. I still have the problem of every night I am scared of what tomorrow will bring and If I am going to wake up. Night's aren't my most confident moments and my eating patterns are off the chart at the moment too. Can anyone relate or have any tips they could share?.

03-28-2012, 05:58 AM
I can definitely relate. I work full time in a management role and almost very day presents the opportunity for an attack to occur. From public speaking, to conferences to just being under stress.

I try to look at things in a positive light and tell myself it won't happen and if it does, I'll manage it.

I get a flood of relief when i get home and I congratulate myself for every good day (today was one), but as night falls I can't help but wonder what the next day will bring and yeah, I worry.

You have to try and be positive. The exercise will help. I'm not really one to give food advice as I am quite restrictive in my diet, but I use an application called myfitnesspal to help me maintain my weight and diet.

I also journal at the end of each day and examine triggers, symptoms, how long negative experiences lasted (if any) and then note my successes. It really helps.

Good luck.