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  1. New to GAD and DP treatment
  2. Free from depression for 4 months now
  3. Can anyone tell me the difference between CBT and DBT?
  4. Magic thinking, another reason why I am afraid of my thoughts...
  5. I think I am developing a gambling addiction and it I am feeling a bit anxious
  6. any hints on what to do when breathing excercises stress you out?
  7. I'm trying to understand a person who has anxiety. Can you help me?
  8. Major Test Anxiety
  9. Irrational fear?
  10. Girlfriend has gone "ghost"
  11. Fear iof thinking negative and selfdestructive thoughts.
  12. I'm too attachted to a tv show...
  13. What do you need help with???
  14. Anxiety as a symptom of depression
  15. Anxious without realizing it?
  16. What is the best course of action when trying to get over a trauma?
  17. Anyone else have HORRIBLE neighbors?
  18. How to stop looking for reasons to be anxious?
  19. Quitting Time- New Job Woes
  20. Has anyone ever woke with a vibrating head?
  21. You can block posts you don't want to read
  22. I don't know how to feel anymore
  23. Flush Face?
  24. AvPD - Could I have it?
  25. Essential Oils?
  26. Wobbly eyesight
  27. I feel like i am in a twisted hell...
  28. posting
  29. Eye floaters
  30. You can't control the outside chaos.....
  31. Familiar faces.
  32. Update Sleep issues and Anxiety
  33. For those who have done therapy, please tell me how it worked out for you
  34. (Sarcasm Inbound)
  35. How to deal with noise?
  36. How do you deal with performance anxiety?
  37. Does alochol help you socialize if you have social anxiety?
  38. Skipped heartbeats information
  39. Doctors giving up on me???
  40. Would a 'trigger warning database' be helpful or harmful?
  41. Questioning reality
  42. Bravery
  43. I have an idea that could help people
  44. klonopin
  45. Severe anxiety with getting back into the work field
  46. Tension Headache and muscle spasm
  47. I've been disassociating every day for the past few weeks.
  48. Please see this questions!
  49. Possibilities of acting out while under the influence
  50. Trip Anxiety and Getting Rid of them
  51. 7 Cups
  52. Help with panic attacks please :(
  53. Help for a worried husband
  54. 7 Cups of Tea
  55. Fainting sensation
  56. Anxiety is back
  57. Family Worries
  58. Toxic Relationship with my mom. I feel like she's obsessed with me.
  59. Has anyone ever experienced these symptoms before?
  60. Made a huge mistake...med withdrawal
  61. How to talk to a Girl who has Anxiety?
  62. Health Anxiety Issues
  63. Massive Fear!!!!! And Sadness!! help
  64. Coping In The Meantime
  65. Exposure and Response Prevention
  66. Anxiety Or Incoming death?? Help Me!.
  67. Whenever I hear noise where I live from other tenants, be it music or whatever...
  68. Girlfriend Suffers with Anxiety - Need Help.
  69. scary experience at the ER yesterday
  70. Loud Thoughts
  71. What changed?
  72. New paralyzing fear (dentist)
  73. Anxiety leading to derealization and/or depersonalization
  74. Mental Block - Grief, University, Health Anxiety
  75. Anxiety or Something Else??
  76. New here and looking for some help
  77. ACT therapy and one of my tools to get better
  78. 100 % rejuvenated after having Showers.
  79. Relationship Anxiety
  80. New Here
  81. Questions relating to troubles with meditation
  82. SSRI poop out
  83. i ain't right ;)
  84. Coffee triggered my panic attack.. Now I can't get over it
  85. How to live with an anxiety sufferer?
  86. Bad anxiety. Need advice.
  87. Feel like I can't get enough air -- HELP!
  88. Writing an essay about Anxiety
  89. Elevated CRP (inflammation marker) and anxiety!!!
  90. Help
  91. Lost All Motivation At Work Part 2
  92. Still anxious after haldol
  93. Does anyone experience this?
  94. Brain Fog
  95. Embarrassing Sweat Marks under my Armpit
  96. This is getting unbearable...please help
  97. Did my meds poop out?
  98. Allergic reaction fear
  99. Panic at doctor office
  100. Emotion based Tachycardia
  101. I Need Advice
  102. Left eye twitching
  103. What is happening to me?
  104. Vitamin D defiency
  105. Is It Me Or Is It The Person?
  106. Hey guys, new here!
  107. Reassurance Seeking
  108. relationship spending and hobbies?
  109. Job Seekers UK
  110. Audiobooks
  111. Girl I liked left University
  112. Is This Normal? -Will It Go Away?
  113. Sleep and anxiety update
  114. Can Anxiety Make you Anxious Over EVERYTHING?
  115. PLEASE READ AND REPLY -Worry/Anxiety
  116. OCD About My Future, Uncertainty, & What I Will Do? Treatment? -Please Read
  117. Not coping with relationship anxiety
  118. anxiety about widowed mom talking to another man.
  119. Has anyone ever went through this before? -Cycle/Worry Please reply
  120. PLEASE ANSWER -Cycle
  121. Too anxious to go to therapy and I don't know what to do
  122. Please read, is this normal? GAD
  123. Exercises to stop trembling?
  124. Weening off of Lexapro..advice?
  125. High Anxiety
  126. Anxiety and Depression podcast
  127. Please help.. don't know what to do!
  128. Scared of Going Crazy
  129. Worry? Anxiety Brings It On? If you can relate, please reply!
  130. i can't eat anything!
  131. Can't breathe
  132. Will Someone PLEASE read -(There is no triggers) - GAD
  133. Help - It's getting harder to support my fiance's anxiety
  134. Pins and Needles
  135. How to hold a job? :(
  136. How to held a job? :(
  137. The worries
  138. Struggling a Lot Right Now
  139. PLEASE comment -Nervous Breakdown?
  140. New to this. Just need to vent
  141. Anxiety symptoms??????
  142. worried about being anxious.. but not actually anxious?
  143. Cold hands, legs and arms
  144. Society
  145. Black sheep
  146. Can I Trust My Mind?
  147. Unsure as to what my doctor meant?
  148. Antibiotics/depression/exhaustion Just a personal observation
  149. Please, I Need Your Help!
  150. Anxiety and MS
  151. Swings
  152. constipated or appendicitis?!
  153. Can't get a job cause of anxiety issues
  154. Comparisons
  155. Medical ID?
  156. Just sharing my thoughts
  157. Tense
  158. travel
  159. Worst anxiety I've ever had..
  160. Im New, but feel like i'm going to die?
  161. Really Would Like Someone
  162. Strange Cycle? -Wondering...
  163. How can I get over my fear of crime?
  164. Mild dizziness from anxiety
  165. Can Depression come on after strong anxiety?
  166. Just afraid of everything?
  167. How To?
  168. Please Read (Is This All Anxiety?)
  169. General anxiety disorder or just anxiety?
  170. I am doubting myself due to my low IQ.
  171. Will the anxiety ever go away?!
  172. Counselling Conundrum
  173. Dealing with big life changes
  174. Completely new to anxiety...need help
  175. Feel like I'm a about to have a...
  176. Anxiety "Triggers" Are Destroying My Career and Life (Please Read)
  177. Help Please!!!
  178. Stomach and weight issues, anxiety is ruling my life
  179. Trying to Write a Novel, Anxiety Interfering
  180. GAD: More like 'can't stop thinking' than 'can't stop worrying' - anyone else?
  181. So Excited To Have Found This Website! Suffer With Panic Attacks
  182. Nobody Believes Me.
  183. Therapy for Anxiety, help needed?
  184. Anxiety/sleep/med reduction update, For those who asked
  185. Sensory Overload?
  186. How to change my thought process
  187. Prozac for Anxiety? Panic Attacks & IBS
  188. Getting nowhere or no help from my counselor, should I switch or stop going?
  189. I'm blamed for everything.
  190. New member-loved one with anxiety
  191. Concerning lump?
  192. Feeling So Sketchy
  193. Feeling of withdrawing into myself when stressed, what is it?
  194. Everytime I am at Work
  195. Long Time suffering looking for some suggestions
  196. Struggling with uploading my YouTube videos.
  197. How to bring up anxiety with new doctor tomorrow?
  198. Is this an anxiety disorder?
  199. Health Anxiety. Anyone else???
  200. The Panic Puzzle Program
  201. Having a hard time coping
  202. Heart Anxiety
  203. food related anxiety..
  204. My post
  205. My YouTube channel dedicated to helping YOU (:
  206. physical symptoms.. but not anxious?
  207. Tightness in chest and throat.
  208. Can't stay awake and feeling faint all the time?
  209. Tick/Lyme fear and obsession
  210. Sudden dizziness
  211. anxiety attacks and eating
  212. Is this just my anxiety?
  213. Overactive mind
  214. I think my mom has an Anxiety disorder and I need help talking to her about it
  215. Are you ashamed of your triggers and how you manage them?
  216. Can Anxiety Cause Chest Pain
  217. A few questions
  218. panic attacks in public
  219. constantly checking my body
  220. Any Alternatives to Bach Rescue Remedy? Or any good anxiety blend supplements?
  221. Help with abandonment
  222. Relationship Anxiety
  223. update on Lexapro weening
  224. New and need help
  225. Muscle Twtiching/Fear of ALS ruining my life
  226. Should I stop taking my medication?
  227. Are my medication working?!
  228. Is this anxiety?
  229. anxiety when standing/walking?
  230. ibs and anxiety
  231. Update on Skipped Beats
  232. Can't sleep!! Help!
  233. Study Anxiety
  234. I feel so lost
  235. New here...
  236. SSRI stopped working after 15 years
  237. Need some stories/advice/ opinions on panic, heart racing, anything will help.
  238. Need guidance with OCD
  239. My anxiety issues. Anyone else?
  240. Any advice would help; my anxiety is taking over my life...
  241. The practice of sungazing CURED my panic disorder and my chronic fatige
  242. Rejected
  243. My Near Death Experience and Post Traumatic Stress (panic/anxiety)
  244. What can I do to feel better after a panic attack?
  245. New here! Radiation fears
  246. Need some answers help!!!!!!!!
  247. I just accepting the fact that I might have anxiety
  248. any advise for chest pains
  249. Anxiety while studying- any tips?
  250. Haven't been here in a while, I feel like I am dying......