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  1. I feel like I won't ever live a happy life
  2. Alcohol
  3. Should you tell your boss about your anxiety problems?
  4. I worked today, now neck is hurting me.
  5. nausea?
  6. I need help
  7. I am afraid of cooking and I hate the Kitchen too.
  8. Recovered and here to help
  9. Manflu
  10. freaking out about stupid things
  11. My shrink increased my rx for my energy level.
  12. Enlarged heart?
  13. i feel so alone
  14. Intelligence
  15. Getting over anxiety.
  16. My son(years) keep getting spit out and in lot of anxiety
  17. Heart cath
  18. 2nd Day on double dose of my SAD rx, Blueberry pancake Breakfast
  19. worried about the future!
  20. Was in no mood for dinner tonight.
  21. I am.... proud.
  22. I had a spinach and NF yogurt w/ banana smoothy Breakfast:
  23. My lower abdominal area is bloated and my period's Late???
  24. Stomach Bug worries
  25. I don't know what to do anymore, please help
  26. So scared...sudden weird twitch, experiences PLEASE?
  27. Tips needed on how to cope and avoid panic attack
  28. Worst news ever :(
  29. Chest pains/tightness
  30. Locked in
  31. Does exercise really help reduce anxiety and panic?
  32. Gad?
  33. Would anybody like prayers.
  34. How do you connect with God in spite of anxiety?
  35. What's Your Worst Anxiety Nightmare???
  36. Is there any supplements that help with SSRI withdrawal?
  37. Struggling with my health anxiety
  38. Health Anxiety Help?
  39. Does your anxiety cause serious physical symptoms?
  40. Work/Performance Anxiety Confusion
  41. Stopped celexa, so dizzy, what should i do?
  42. choked by my dad in my sleep?
  43. I just don't know anymore.
  44. is this panic attack?
  45. Just had a bad panic attack
  46. Anxiety and seasonal affective disorder?
  47. Good thoughts, bad thoughts
  48. Random Heart Palpitations... Help?
  49. Update: Better Every Day
  50. short breathed
  51. Happy Halloween!!!!!!
  52. Massive existential anxiety DP/DR, Help much appreciated!!!
  53. Im pretty sure there's something wrong with me...
  54. I'm quickly deluding myself into thinking I'm dying, ad infinitum
  55. Anxiety is killing me.
  56. Expiriments if any one wants to try it! (Deprsonalization and De-Realization)
  57. Stabbing pain left side - Anxiety or something serious?
  58. Clubbing anxiety?? Is it real?
  59. Fear avoidance - the insidious foe of the anxious
  60. Oddy doddy
  61. College student who needs help
  62. Health anxiety. (Convinced myself I have thyroid cancer).
  63. Stuttering
  64. Hey Gang!
  65. Going Back to School Anxiety
  66. Best medication for an over active mind?
  67. Help :(
  68. Midwest Center
  69. Severe Anxiety/Panic - I've had enough
  70. PTSD coming back as panic attacks
  71. Need advice pls!
  72. First major anxiety issue
  73. Adjusting to Zoloft
  74. Quite Interesting - Yet, another "Is it anxiety" thread. But not really.
  75. Anyone else waking up with intrusive thoughts or negative thoughts?
  76. I'm starting to go down a dark path
  77. I am in desperate need of some help.
  78. Help
  79. I didn't understand it at first but......
  80. Ask me anything!
  81. Why do you still have anxiety?
  82. Thoughts and advice please?
  83. Anxiety and Alcohol
  84. I just need to say something
  85. Aaaaand it's back!
  86. Affected
  87. Anxiety over possible new puppy
  88. Do I have an anxiety disorder? (This is a long post. Sorry.)
  89. Can anxiety and stress cause vertigo?
  90. Input please? I'm really worried.
  91. My wardrobe limits my ability to work on these HOT days in the FALL.
  92. Need help with finding out what I had and what caused it!
  93. Bachelorette party mess
  94. I think I've read
  95. Help (and helping)
  96. Parkison's, MS, ALS, none of the above???
  97. Strain left side?
  98. Escitalpram
  99. Everyone was NAUGHTY today, after 1st 1/2 day?
  100. bad heart or anxiety please reply!
  101. derealization depersonalization
  102. what to do
  103. Anxiety causing throat spasms
  104. existential anxiety
  105. Not sure what this is?
  106. Do I feel anxious and nauseous because of a boy, or is it something more serious?
  107. After work today i ate too much for dinner almost tripped walking afterwards...
  108. Suffer from panic attacks i get severely dizzy and get faint feeling :/
  109. Intrusive noises?
  110. Exploding Head Syndrome
  111. brother who has anxiety
  112. Had an MRI scan today---"Oh my Gosh!!!"
  113. Physical Pain and Anxiety
  114. Anxiety causing nausea even when not anxious.
  115. I'm Anxious to mail order clothes from a magazine.
  116. cognitive behavioral therapy for a tween who moves constantly unless very engaged
  117. Anxiety stress of been on final warning at work
  118. slanted vision - very anxious
  119. Health fear: could I have MRSA or a staph infection? (pictures)
  120. Any advice? Hypochindria?
  121. do you ever get anxiety over seeing faces?
  122. I avoided work today because of The Commute.
  123. weird chest sensation
  124. The feeling I need to wee every hour!!!
  125. Is this Anxiety ?
  126. Reading stuff...makes it worse
  127. I'm Rarely Anxious Anymore
  128. Dizzy, Lightheaded, Fainting
  129. Attempting Vitamin D Cure, Need advice!
  130. Antidepressants for anxiety success stories pls.
  131. I am so tired of RECKLESS Drivers round HERE!!!
  132. Tattoos and anxiety.
  133. Was I misdiagnosed?
  134. Havibg a panic/anxiety attack right now. Anyone here?
  135. Severe Tension??
  136. Scared of everything
  137. Good Morning All
  138. Telling lies to hide your anxiety or agoraphobia
  139. Anxiety attack, did I do the right thing?
  140. Should I see a fortune teller/ clairvoyant for my anxiety?
  141. I'm a humanist and all, but...
  142. feeling funny - don't want to take it again
  143. Future
  144. What should I do with family life and anxiety?
  145. I never thought it would come to this.....
  146. Just looking for support & understanding
  147. Terrified of heart problems. help:(
  148. ahhh??
  149. After 1/2 day @ work experienced a SEVERE LOWER Back Pain.
  150. In a Fog
  151. Just need someone to talk to about this :(
  152. Just hit 21 :/
  153. How long do your attacks last?
  154. Do Massage, acupuncture work?
  155. Why am I tingly all over?
  156. Relationship Anxiety
  157. Fear of NOT being smart Enough
  158. On the brink
  159. Alcohol
  160. Reverse engineering your anxiety - Understanding the process - help for your nerves
  161. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  162. Could anyone shed some light on this
  163. Gerd?
  164. desperate - my own worst enemy
  165. self-destructive anxiety scaring people away
  166. Can antidepressants heal you? (Nice article)
  167. Dizzy,Tired,Scared Feeling please help
  168. If you are currently suffering and bewildered, trembling, or anxious - Read on :
  169. strange thoughts
  170. Started taking Lexapro (escitalopram) today, feel absolutely horrible, help?
  171. Should I see a doctor? Rational people help please...
  172. Articles of self-help strategies to reduce anxiety
  173. Fom Citalopram to Mirtazapine
  174. why???
  175. headaches, burned out feeling....
  176. anxiety symptoms?
  177. College Student.. Help
  178. Forehead headache:-(
  179. constantly afraid
  180. what happened to me?
  181. Lost
  182. Want to talk to people like me!!!
  183. Derealization and Me - PLEASE HELP
  184. Must awaken tomorrow early for 1/2 day assignment---Anxious.....
  185. is it possible to have a mild-moderate anxiety disorder?
  186. I find myself suddenly struggling with anxiety!
  187. Scratching myself in my sleep? Can anyone help? :(
  188. health anxiety
  189. Family history survey
  190. Trouble swallowing food
  191. Link between anxiety and ADHD?
  192. Anxiety over Bloating---Then dropped 3 Lbs,Yey???
  193. Worried for a friend. What should I do?
  194. Hit my head on the ground with gravel on it
  195. First Panic Attack Experiences?
  196. i think i drank something in my sleep
  197. Hi all :)
  198. I've been referred to a psychiatrist
  199. Passing out
  200. Worried il let myself and family down
  201. How to Induce a Panic Attack for Fun
  202. I feel tired of this...
  203. Having a panic attack
  204. Can you suffer from two forms of anxiety simultaneously?
  205. I just walked over a bunch of donations...
  206. Panic attacks - Can they come back? How do I deal with this?
  207. just finished my evening walk, almost walk into a bed frame on sidewalk...
  208. This sucks
  209. It's over - I feel so guilty
  210. Driving?
  211. Extreme muscle exhaustion PLS HELP
  212. 99% sure something is seriously wrong
  213. Headaches cant stand it
  214. I am still searching for a Perfect beach :
  215. cardiophobia/hypocondria... help please :\
  216. IBS Flare Up Anxiety... Extra Symptom?
  217. Help needed urgently.
  218. Helpless, Hopeless, not caring, depressed? Anxiety? Adhd!? I dont know.
  219. Anxiety over being "dominated"
  220. Chickened out on my annual Biopsy,yikes WHY???
  221. Taking meds for anxiety but still feeling anxious
  222. How is it possible
  223. Constant Symptoms, being diagnosed with Anxiety
  224. dull chest tightness
  225. Fear of the universe.
  226. Holiday Scares...Anyone Else?
  227. Mind Chatter
  228. i need help..
  229. When you feel like your anxiety has gone too far...
  230. Anyone else NOT celebrating with family today?
  231. Fear of life/general paranoia?
  232. panic attacks return
  233. Is this normal???
  234. New member - health anxiety problems
  235. Ate way too much turkey stuffing last night afraid to weigh myself NOW...?
  236. Bizarre symptom?
  237. started smoking again and anixety
  238. Fear that I might stop breathing | Does this even make sense?
  239. Choking feel
  240. Social anxiety | How to deal with it?
  241. Huge Anxiety issues help/advice?!
  242. Looking for someone to send me an electronic copy of a book or link to download/buy
  243. swollen cheek worries
  244. Here we go again...
  245. Struggling to trust my body
  246. Cant even get a grip.
  247. Dating
  248. Dreampt of passing out in public
  249. I am totally anxious to eat or drink anything:
  250. To Anxious to Date Men-Not the same w/ New Technology and Web Cams...