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  1. Hopelessness
  2. worst night so far
  3. what is going on with me
  4. Hello friends
  5. share some succes stories please
  6. Good morning. I need some help por favor!
  7. Heart just won't slow down
  8. Tightness when breathing in help
  9. Just been to the theraphist, bad news :(
  10. severe health anxiety . started on meds
  11. Job
  12. Opinions on xanax..?
  13. It's amazing how you can go from confident to...awful so quickly
  14. Can't seem to concentrate at all..
  15. Good therapy!
  16. Health Anxiety! - What's your most irrational self diagnosis?
  17. Bye!!!!!!
  18. Can you go crazy from anxiety?
  19. Can you make yourself feel worse??
  20. Anxiety book suggestions?
  21. anxiety worse in the winter
  22. Long Time Anxiety Sufferer Just Looking for A Little Relief
  23. how to stop this feeling help pls!!
  24. Dealing with Crowds
  25. Feeling bad after sleeping
  26. Biggest list of anxiety symptoms i've seen!!!
  27. If time machine existed, i would go back to ...
  28. she is amazing
  29. Do I tell my boss or not HELP needed
  30. Does anyone else feel weird even when not nervous?
  31. Work anxiety
  32. scared!!
  33. Symptoms
  34. Wondering ! Gotta keep fighting
  35. I won't give up coz i love myself
  36. Guilt & Depression
  37. help anyone?
  38. Exams this year
  39. My panic disorder is keeping my from living a normal life :/
  40. My Panic Monster
  41. Vitamins
  42. Really think
  43. mirena iud, men beware lol.
  44. My biggest challenge yet!!!
  45. A positive day
  46. does anyone get shortness of breath a lot? mines back again
  47. Depersonalization/derealization HELP!
  48. Anxiety so bad...lots of intrusive suicidal thoughts....anyone ever had this?
  49. Feeling rejected and alone at the moment
  50. Depersonalization/Derealization - Still there?
  51. Feel good - courtesy of Budweiser and the Super Bowl
  52. omg...
  53. Feeling awful after a good day??
  54. Almost had a panic attack due to light sensitivity.
  55. The Celebrity Game
  56. Non-Fearful Panic disorder
  57. Battling health anxiety...the rollercoaster
  58. Anxiety over nothing?
  59. head starts and boom!!!
  60. Just tell me what it is
  61. Heart pains and hand tingles
  62. Is there any advantage to using benzos for long term daily
  63. Eating anxiety...
  64. Scared
  65. Any tips on how to get thru the day
  66. Anyone have good luck with Lexapro, Paxil, Zoloft or Effexor for anxiety?
  67. Ways to pass the time when anxious
  68. Tired and anxious
  69. Anxiety
  70. Helpful Music
  71. pregnancy and anxiety
  72. Has anyone got some ideas?
  73. Question about lab results
  74. I'm nervous going back to College
  75. I'm here to bug again
  76. Can playing an Instrument clear your Anxiety?
  77. what can I do about this.
  78. Freaking out!
  79. Going off buspar
  80. Bad day
  81. Went from a lifetime of Euphoria to a Anxious wreck for no reason HELP!
  82. Broken
  83. Anxiety, the beast of burden.
  84. If you had to choose wither or would it be anxiety or depression.??
  85. dizziness
  86. How on Earth do I stay positive!?
  87. My 80 Year Old Grandpa
  88. Humans are too strong
  89. Clogged/blocked ear with ringing?
  90. does anyone have Kim messenger?
  91. It is not dp or dr it is just something else
  92. on second day of magnesium
  93. Some good news!!!
  94. Anybody have experience with beta blocker reduction?
  95. citalopram side effects
  96. High Anxiety
  97. looking for a womans advice ..
  98. High Anxiety
  99. Wierd feeling
  100. Depression day!! :((
  101. Alias EQ i really want to talk to you
  102. Feelings of anxiety/depression (student)
  103. I 've never really tried a forum like this, but it's worth a shot
  104. Break..
  105. Should I have acknowledged this girl?
  106. I am back
  107. 5 Favourite bands from each decade?
  108. I can't take it anymore
  109. cause it's all in my head!!!
  110. How to tell if someone's faking?
  111. Please urgent help
  112. Naturopathy
  113. "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength."
  114. Comfortably Numb
  115. fuck it
  116. "Discomfort" food?
  117. Sharing my story..
  118. So upset with myself
  119. Distraction methods
  120. Feeling unsettled today
  121. waking up irritable and grumpy
  122. Dreams!!
  123. Getting made fun of
  124. A special thank you to E-Man, L-glutamine wisdom.
  125. Feeling of weak legs and arms
  126. Ughhhh
  127. OCD destroying my life, worries of assault and false memories
  128. :/
  129. Driving in traffic or red lights!
  130. Yep...
  131. Hey I'm sorry everybody!
  132. Please please help me....
  133. Stupid question?
  134. Question please
  135. My recent anxiety problem.
  136. I need someone's opinion.
  137. Wht could the cause be
  138. Need to vent...
  139. went to a few stores today!!!
  140. Anxiety when angry?
  141. Hey Gang, missed you. I need a little help!! Maybe a lot. lol.
  142. woke up and had a run on the woods :)
  143. question. need input!!
  144. Please please dont be the stomach flu!!
  145. Any guys that can please help with some advice
  146. Please help.
  147. And feeling lost again ....
  148. Hallucinating caused from anxiety?
  149. Doing A LOT better -Update
  150. worried about health as usual!
  151. Fear
  152. To pop pills or not?
  153. I slept 12 hours last night, is this bad?
  154. anyone have a good schedule they wanna share
  155. New here
  156. I can't sleep properly in the Nights?????????
  157. PPI stomach meds questions
  158. sinuses?
  159. strangely at peace
  160. Worried
  161. Just an update.
  162. burning
  163. Hey progress finally
  164. Xanax and alcohol... Freaking out
  165. Feeling sad and let down... :'(
  166. Help..
  167. The dark clouds are gathering
  168. Please...
  169. can anyone help me please
  170. Anxiety Questionnaire / Art Project
  171. Think Im going to Start Seriously Self-Medicating
  172. Zoloft and Bad Breath
  173. ahh..
  174. Personal question
  175. My first post...and my issue with anxiety and vacations...
  176. Help with a question please
  177. New job, anxiety off the scale...need advice!
  178. Speaking tomorrow nervous:(
  179. stomach bloating, pains, rumbling, etc
  180. Please tell me ill get there!
  181. Helping my girlfriend.
  182. Anyone have suggestions?
  183. Can't accept the anxiety...
  184. This forum has something magic in it
  185. stomach issue needing some help
  186. What makes you anxious?
  187. Panic attack or not?
  188. Blood pressure
  189. I'm getting messages from some randomer on Facebook?
  190. Should I tell my family about the anxiety?
  191. Natural calm
  192. I really don't know what to title this :(
  193. Embarrassing manifestations of anxiety
  194. Rush of adrinline
  195. How long could you really go with little to no sleep?
  196. which would you prefer?
  197. good foods for anxiety and wellness?
  198. College.
  199. Blackout rage
  200. Add me on fb
  201. What should fade first; irrational thoughts and worry or physical symptoms?
  202. Night time anxiety?
  203. Women only !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
  204. Having a hard time falling asleep
  205. My mind is killing me
  206. Lying to myself...
  207. Strange!!
  208. Well... Thats awkward.
  209. New sensation with heart palps
  210. Anxiety or Low Mood or are they linked?
  211. Anxiety and health
  212. Any other ladies out there have this issue???
  213. So paranoid about everything! :(
  214. Major pain
  215. New symptom.
  216. a step in the right direction
  217. Thank You February
  218. feeling really down
  219. Feeling after a panic attack
  220. Advice on seeking help.
  221. Burning up!
  222. Ok to exercise whilst precribed propanolol?
  223. Neck pain
  224. Swimming head feeling...
  225. Back to work
  226. Scared
  227. Should I go to the E.R?
  228. Extremely rude to someone in particular
  229. Really nervous about going out
  230. Thanks for all the friends requests
  231. Idk if this is normal
  232. Xanax after so long
  233. Feeling sad and crying a lot!
  234. Destroyed a monster yesterday
  235. Help!
  236. so done with this. !!
  237. Freaking out ... Anyone there?
  238. Constant idk what to do
  239. Rate Your Anxiety. How Severe/Duration/
  240. Propanolol
  241. Eye anxiety
  242. Coffee - Does one cup hurt?
  243. Completely lost.
  244. bad day :(
  245. SSRI Alcoholism
  246. This might sound like a stupid question but..?
  247. Finally saw the Doc...
  248. Propofol for psychosomatic sleepiness/exhaustion
  249. Relaxation Tapes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  250. Best television show of all time?