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  1. How "is" everyone on this day?
  2. Almost passed out
  3. Anyone extra anxious today?
  4. Another loss on christmas day :(
  5. Stuck
  6. Stopping the contraceptive pill!!!
  7. Cant breath!!!
  8. Why do I feel better at night?
  9. Calling Eman
  10. Does this sound like anxiety
  11. Anyone going thru this?
  12. I'm in a panic.
  13. Why do you suppose we get numb after panic attacks?
  14. I am my own worst nightmare
  15. Dizziness when moving eyes sometimes
  16. Anxiety like Clockwork
  17. Where do i go from here.
  18. Arm pain
  19. im in so much pain wirh my back and ribs and now my anxiety is going mad
  20. Acid reflux
  21. Indecisive Headache
  22. Gone psycho
  23. Ms fears!
  24. Bloodclot worried STILL CONTINUES!!
  25. A feel GREAT story.......
  26. Disturbing Content, Seriously.
  27. Heart palps questions
  28. Fearful Thoughts
  29. Numbess due to anxiety?
  30. I'm losing my mind, as usual
  31. Heart problem?
  32. Medication
  33. why is it retuning
  34. New tablets
  35. Quick hello and merry christmas!
  36. anyone else do this??
  37. Anyone else hate taking meds to feel better?
  38. Struggling
  39. panicing so bad !!!
  40. how do you deal with numbness from anxiety
  41. New here, but not new to anxiety, just looking to share and get some feedback
  42. Scared
  43. anxiety and the room is spinning
  44. Sharp pains by heart and ribs
  45. Anxiety really high today
  46. Id like to say..
  47. How long do anxiety pains last?
  48. "I have the worst anxiety in the world" thinking.
  49. Relapse
  50. Sweating
  51. Peeing all the time!!!
  52. How bad is soda for anxiety?
  53. Holy moly
  54. Im curious
  55. help:(
  56. Is it even possible to be in a relationship when suffering from anxiety?
  57. I've been throught the drunken fear many time but I still can't manage the anxiety
  58. Anyone feel worse if they dont take their meds same time each day?
  59. No anxiety
  60. blood clot fears
  61. Just for Dweeb...
  62. Here it goes ..
  63. Stuck in hospital - freaking out!
  64. Here we go
  65. Just realised!
  66. New to forum, need some support
  67. Another night of anxiety
  68. Health anxiety flares up
  69. Military anxiety .
  70. Normal to not feel normal when starting to feel normal???
  71. Quick Question Please??
  72. Weight Loss and appetite.
  73. supplements and breathe mindfully
  74. Worried about my weight
  75. Adrenaline rush from tiny things?
  76. thanks anxiety!
  77. Leap of faith
  78. Anyone use holy basil tea?
  79. Being LGBTQ+ and living with anxiety (anyone else?)
  80. My Obsessive Compulsive Strangeness is killing me and strangling my life
  81. Back to work in the morn:s
  82. Help
  83. New symptoms! :(
  84. If ive had these tests?
  85. Recorded an album about my recent bout with anxiety. Hoping it helps others :)
  86. Weird chest PAINS please please help
  87. Anxiety, your not alone.
  88. Books that have helped me with panic ect
  89. An Attempt at a Little Humor
  90. hey everyone
  91. hey everyone
  92. Bad experience!!
  93. Need help please
  94. New here. Question about symptom changes
  95. 2014
  96. Fear of stroke
  97. Mia?
  98. Problem?
  99. Ugh. Out of no where
  100. job and anxiety
  101. Does diet factor into anxiety levels?
  102. Just saying..
  103. Does Reading These Forums Make Anyone Else Anxious?
  104. Weird feeling in head
  105. heart anxiety??
  106. Happy New Year!!
  107. Happy New Year
  108. Trolls
  109. Thanks Jesse!!!
  110. Working out..heart paps?
  111. Anxiety guru Helpful podcasts
  112. Holiday Heart.
  113. woke up and had balance problems
  114. I feel like im drowning.
  115. New year resolition
  116. Scared!
  117. little anxious right about now
  118. looking for a bit of advice
  119. Help please
  120. Need someone to talk to.
  121. 2014 - the anxious free year!
  122. anxiety and pressure in my head
  123. Help!
  124. Anxiety at its most
  125. Start new job tomorrow ...Sleepless night ahead!
  126. continuing blood clot fears
  127. Scared, Intrusive thoughts again
  128. Mind-body connection and anxiety?
  129. Sore chest and breathless
  130. Bad pain in my trapezius causing fearful swirling thoughts
  131. Happy New Year!
  132. This time i know its lung cancer!!
  133. Boredom
  134. Please help me. I can't stand this.
  135. Sorry guys one for the ladys :-)
  136. Back to work and nervous!!
  137. can I get some honest opinions on this?
  138. Wish me luck going doctors for sick note
  139. Medication
  140. New supplement changing the anxiety game
  141. Happy New Year
  142. I've been naughty...
  143. Anxiety is back!!!
  144. New to this site
  145. Feeling confused
  146. Do you think this is making my anxiety worse.
  147. All I want to do is sleep anymore
  148. Neck cracking
  149. anxiety for everything
  150. One Thing After Another
  151. Ectopic Beats and Pregnancy! HELP!
  152. Night anxiety
  153. Cold weather and rolling blackouts!
  154. Heart paps
  155. 2 questions please!
  156. Who anxiety worse when left alone
  157. Coping with Media
  158. Ears need to pop
  159. Sleep
  160. Help with meds!!
  161. New event, old anxiety
  162. Morning Time
  163. Physical Effects of Anxiety on the Body
  164. Trouble Urinating (Possible TMI)
  165. why cant I calm my self down :-(
  166. Heart pains!!
  167. Emotions
  168. Meds!!!
  169. 400 rolleyes!
  170. Anxiety,OCD or pure O ???!
  171. Are Depression and Anxiety my only concern?
  172. I'm sure most here can relate
  173. Newbie- Introducing Myself
  174. Can this happen?
  175. Hey everyone! I'm new and need help!
  176. Celexa
  177. Blood Pressure Scare *Please Help*
  178. Weird
  179. Weaning off of Klonopin.....
  180. Chest pains so bad!!!
  181. Heart issue, chest muscle or indegestion?
  182. New insomnia :(
  183. One for the ladies
  184. For the conservative catholics, very interesting .:)
  185. Just Been Broken - Anxiety At Its Worst!!! Help!
  186. A delicate one
  187. The lindon method
  188. A small step forward...
  189. Remedies for "Ice Pick" headaches?
  190. Help!
  191. Help! Im new
  192. Hey :-)
  193. you may be able to relate...
  194. Attack brewing...
  195. Define Panic Attacks & Anxiety Attacks
  196. Someone please tell me
  197. EMDR therapy? Anyone tried this or heard positive things?
  198. Why?! Ugh
  199. My day with my anxiety
  201. In your opinion
  202. Job Ideas
  203. Keeping track..
  204. Not today...
  205. Bad 5 mins today....
  206. Late night Anxiety
  207. I guess ive beaten anxiety
  208. Wakeking up with a thumping heart
  209. can I just say how annoying panic is??
  210. chest pain
  211. Well.....
  212. Enjoyed the Isolation
  213. Is there anything I can do!
  214. Cold and shaking
  215. I think i just started to have symptoms of anxiety, please help
  216. Anyone Get this symptom?
  217. What is your fear??
  218. feeling of impending doom : (
  219. Anxiety and troubles with vision.
  220. General Anxiety
  221. The Danger of Well Intended Non Professional Medical Advice and Musings
  222. HEAD Noises
  223. Do other people have this too?
  224. just wondering
  225. How long can you stay on medication??
  226. Heart pains again!!!
  227. Anxiety, depression and fears of sleeping
  228. Peak time
  229. Having a rough time tonight......
  230. Decade day!
  231. light sensitivity? anyone?
  232. What is wrong?
  233. seriously weird new symptom
  234. HEAD symptoms
  235. Panic attack
  236. PVC's
  237. Tension from anxiety
  238. Anxiety and Acid Reflux
  239. Can't Breathe
  240. Awakened with a nightmare
  241. Just booked doctors appointment...
  242. sertraline
  243. cant stop thinking scary thoughts
  244. lets become inspired.
  245. Using the Chat Room
  246. Um..ok, so, what Country?
  247. lets all be like kids..
  248. What's the weather?
  249. First day back at work!
  250. the roller coaster...