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  1. Rescue Remedy
  2. trying to get to sleep.
  3. can my chest pain happen for this long?
  4. HI
  5. what to do?
  6. Diazepam & work
  7. Distraction
  8. In a relationship where we both have anxiety, looking for advice.
  9. Another day in the battle..
  10. at the doctors
  11. Anyone know why ?
  12. Stress test
  13. Amxiety ruining college
  14. Ne fear!! Lymphoma
  15. Feel like a ball in the throat
  16. Hormonal imbalance causing anxiety?
  17. Mind playing tricks.
  18. Feeling like it's the end of my life
  19. Heart thumping
  20. Ex boyfriend drama
  21. Some progress?
  22. Prescribed a Z-pack and feel like I am losing my mind!
  23. Anyone else get this ?
  24. My Alcoholic Husband
  25. Wierd electric shooting head pain
  26. First time with a psychiatrist... what to expect?
  27. Depression or just another anxiety related symptoms?
  28. Zoloft Withdrawl sucks, anyone else have these problems?
  29. Scattered, racing thoughts
  30. Weekend
  31. sleepy
  32. Need encouragement
  33. Was this my first attack?
  34. Hi Everyone-New to the Group
  35. does anyone elses anxiety turn into excitement?
  36. seeking medical help ?
  37. Flu/Deaths
  38. Im off in 45 min
  39. Heat skipping beats
  40. The results are in....
  41. Skills / Tips to Overcome Anxiety?
  42. Music
  43. Odd feeling after aerobic excercise?
  44. Quick question
  45. I threw up effexor, took it again and now panicking
  46. My Battle with Anxiety
  47. Difficulty swollowing
  48. Anxiety
  49. no meds
  50. ladies only. please
  51. Diazepam (2mg) after alcohol.
  52. Anxiety Medication- I posted this in the medication section also
  53. Anxiety
  54. When you dont have anxiety
  55. is it just me?
  56. Help!
  57. What triggers your panic?
  58. Ashwagandha
  59. Im only new thing page
  60. Difficulty swallowing
  61. Please Go Away
  62. To use or not to use benzo
  63. ill
  64. Bad circulation?
  65. First Hospitalization
  66. frequency with an age?
  67. need administrators help to enter anxiety chat room
  68. Facebook
  69. Anyone ever experience these symptoms?
  70. samaritans
  71. No no no! The heart?!
  72. Head zapps !!
  73. Feeling after a painc attack?
  74. Derealization and Depersonlization
  75. Spare time
  76. celexa an alcohol
  77. Normal or nor
  78. help and advice
  79. Anxiety before going to sleep
  80. My anxiety lately.
  81. Pain after a panic attack
  82. Help- Scary thoughts
  83. Loved ones with anxiety
  84. Am i the only one who experiences this?
  85. Going to fail my degree because of poor attendance
  86. Has Anyone Else Ever Gone Through This?
  87. Pain on the right side of chest
  88. hi
  89. Flu
  90. Just curious....
  91. Hospital
  92. My sob story
  93. Convinced I have rabies...even after shots. New here.
  94. 17 and think I may have anxiety but to scared to go to the doctors? Need opinions x
  95. Feeling of doom
  96. Panic attack during therapy
  97. Bad day of anxiety
  98. Hate my stupid anxiety
  99. Anxiety
  100. Overwhelming anxiety issue
  101. So confused
  102. Night time anxiety
  103. Need help at the moment.
  104. How to bring the walls down...
  105. Been reading a while but first post.
  106. Cant make decisions
  107. Do you need to stop caring to be able to stop worrying? I'm worried about Sex, help??
  108. Question about breathing.
  109. Causes
  110. My Anxiety and those that need someone
  111. Static Vision
  112. NFL American football
  113. does anxiety make you itch?
  114. Do you find meditation useful?
  115. Boredom
  116. Just looking for someone to talk to
  117. Am i alone?
  118. anxiety makes me focus and more alert?
  119. Progress with ocd and charity will benefit.
  120. "liquid stomach" feeling.
  121. just a thought
  122. Where is my life heading?
  123. Bit of my story... Promised I would ease you all in!
  124. will my anxiety ever go away?
  125. Anxiety advice: Drop toxic friends
  126. Am i doing well in the Recovery process of anxiety ?
  127. Vitamin B12 & magnesium deficiency?
  128. Nervouse Breakdown Broke Me..
  129. Tiredness causing anxiety attacks HELP
  130. Tiredness causing anxiety attacks
  131. CBT , Does it Work?
  132. Sigh... Good days gone bad
  133. I hate it when...
  134. New to the forum...some advice please!
  135. Sigh
  136. i really dont think im ever getting better..
  137. New to the forum and seeking help. SA.
  138. More progress but doubt?
  139. anxiety & anger
  140. My Nervous system is HEALED COMPLETELY!!....Thank you PanicCured...now part 2
  141. Skype anyone? ??
  142. Nights suck...
  143. Looking for help.
  144. Holter monitor
  145. Does anyone believe you can grow out of anxiety?
  146. Am I over worrying about chest pains?
  147. Help
  148. Ughhh
  149. Grrrr
  150. Wre
  151. Hey
  152. How long for mri results?
  153. New and seeking some advice/ help
  154. Tingly sensation.. Worried :/
  155. i need a quick solution/shortcut
  156. Before I jump to conclusions....
  157. Anybody has had the fear of dying in sleep and or has overcame it ..help !!!
  158. Tight throat
  159. What kind of person are you?
  160. what symptom of anxiety bothers you the most?
  161. Anxiety Supplements Review & Recommendations
  162. Is my anxiety Perminant for Life?
  163. Coping with symptoms
  164. So many symptoms! Is it just anxiety?
  165. is it possible to have a heart attack from stress yes or no?
  166. anxiety from eating help!
  167. Can't sit still, so tense!
  168. Heart Palpatations??? Help
  169. Best Place to look for help with Anxiety
  170. Panic/anxiety attacks
  171. First post|| Need some help !
  172. Uncertainty unnerves me
  173. This post contains material inappropriate for kids
  174. hopeless
  175. test
  176. Recent anxiety
  177. The worst panic/anxiety attacks I have ever experienced! :(
  178. Does it just keep getting worse?
  179. People stop talking to you out of nowhere
  180. one minute panic, next minute calm
  181. Smoking
  182. New Anxiety Meds
  183. Comfort habits
  184. Trouble while falling asleep.
  185. Wen i take a deep breath
  186. Chest Discomfort and Cold Hands
  187. Tight chest and sometimes pain
  188. Period pain or chest pain?
  189. Going to the cinema
  190. Citilopram
  191. Horrible Day
  192. Help fast
  193. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  194. Magnesium citrate and anxiety and depression and heart palps
  195. Pets :)
  196. Obsessing about the Future
  197. Anxiety induced problems?
  198. ill
  199. I cannot cope
  200. Obsessive thoughts!!!!!!
  201. How I got over anxiety, derealization, depression and panic
  202. Painkillers & anxiety
  203. Extremely wierd fears and thoughts, can anyone relate?
  204. Conflict of feelings
  205. I feel like I'm going to explode!
  206. I really need to talk about this
  207. Freaking out....
  208. Anxiety up at the mo
  209. Very strange...
  210. leg weakness
  211. Health concerns and other anxieties.
  212. Pursuing Psychology
  213. Scary Feeling
  214. Does anyone else have pain all over their body?
  215. Can't handle pains
  216. Hot flashes at night
  217. Addiction
  218. Everyday Worries ?
  219. Derealization
  220. Finding a doctor
  221. Sclerosis multiplex....
  222. New and seeking help
  223. How to deal with being stuck at home?
  224. I'm back!
  225. Health anxiety
  226. Feel like im in a dream
  227. Anxiety? Confused Soldier Needs His Own Heroes
  228. why can I not calm down?
  229. Hello, i was wondering if anyone could answer me this...
  230. Health anxiety
  231. Pain pain pain
  232. Anxiety!!
  233. Hyperventalation
  234. Anxiety
  235. Why are my posts not appearing?
  236. Travel plans cancelled over anxiety
  237. Anxiety
  238. Moving
  239. Losing my mind - this is a new one
  240. my beautiful cat
  241. What do you take for GERD/ acid reflux
  242. A day in my life with anxiety.
  243. Hungry?
  244. Health anxiety
  245. People say sugar is bad is juice sugar bad?
  246. Anxiety & Ocd...venting
  247. Really Weird Feeling
  248. Self help books?
  249. Got stopped by cops
  250. My story so far...