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  1. Pretty sure I have anxiety and it makes me want to cry
  2. what do you get out of counseling?
  3. seroxat
  4. argh!
  5. difficulty Breathing
  6. Is it Anxiety? HELP!!!
  7. i sufferd the worst depersonalization feeling eva last night
  8. anxiety and not eating
  9. My life with anxiety... A call for help
  11. Klonopin issue
  12. Some anxiety questions
  13. Eye floaters and flashes
  14. Which is the best form of therapy?
  15. Hw do you stop it carrying on in generatons?
  16. Repressing anxiety
  17. Zoloft 15 years
  18. Some recent problems I've been dealing with
  19. Is this anxiety/depression?
  20. little help please....
  21. Am I the only one with this type of anxiety??
  22. Relationships..
  23. My life with what I believe to be anxiety.
  24. Exercise anxiety
  25. Is there a happy ending?
  26. My Story
  27. Is my problem physical or mental?
  28. Feel like I can't catch my breath
  29. How do you tell if it is anxiety?
  30. internal homophobia..anyone heard about it?
  31. ok, ive decided it must be anxiety!
  32. Deep breathing Yawning thing
  33. The "This is how I feel right now" thread
  34. One of those days
  35. cure for insomnia, anxiey and depression
  36. Preventing My Own Recovery !!
  37. Mind Repair Tips
  38. binaural audio
  39. Getting help and having to disclose information
  40. Does anxiety effect your relationships?
  41. NeuroMax
  42. Im 17 and suffer badly...I'm seeking anxiety companions!
  43. stupid doctors!!!
  44. Why does facing your fears seem so impossible?
  45. Feeling at breaking point. Advice/help most welcome
  46. help!
  47. Is this Anxiety ?
  48. Ways to stop monitoring myelf?? That's the trigger sometimes
  49. Do you ever send yourself into anxiety???
  50. digestion
  51. anxiety and PVC's
  52. i used to be so confident
  53. Anxiety? Really?
  54. crying here
  55. am i just being silly? (quite scared)
  56. What triggers YOUR anxiety?
  57. A thought of hope, that I know is true.
  58. breathing
  59. A step-by-step actionable steps
  60. 6 months of hell....
  61. If only Anxiety felt good
  62. itchy
  63. Been away for a while
  64. i over breathe
  65. How do you cope with work?
  67. Anxious about Anxiety
  68. Try this...
  69. Anxiety is back
  70. It's not wise to keep..
  71. bloated
  72. The Final Stretch?
  73. Breaking down
  74. Sleep
  75. tensed
  76. Cipralex, has anyone tried this?
  77. The feeling of loss of control
  78. The latest problem over sleep
  79. Weak feeling, feel like your going to collapse...
  80. Heart rate
  81. Tips for Coping with Anxiety while on Vacation
  82. Does anxiety stop you from going to work?
  83. could marriage cause
  84. anxiety
  85. Trying to figure out my anxiety is making things worse?
  86. magnesium citrate side effects
  87. 5-HTP?
  88. For all the health anxious out there?
  89. Stress/Anxiety Related Chest Wall pain Questions
  90. Chemical induced panic attacks and recovery?
  91. Hi!! I'd love some advice??
  92. A Citalopram Diary
  93. panic stress or something else ???????
  94. i feel so low
  95. heavy,fatigue,tired legs
  96. My DH has Anxiety, what can I do to help?
  97. Hideous sensations - eyes and head....
  98. Binaural sounds....
  99. Weight Anxiety?
  100. Symptoms...
  101. Does anyone get these type of thoughts?
  102. Is it anxiety???
  103. Is this really just anxiety?
  104. every pain concerns me to the point i feel paranoid
  105. Possible anxiety thingie
  106. Letter to God, I just had to get this off my chest!
  107. Anybody had these symptoms?
  108. New to this!!! Any help welcome
  109. am i dying
  110. Help Diagnosing Anxiety/Depression Please :)
  111. Does anyone else's anxiety seem seasonal?
  112. a new symptom maybe?
  113. Anticipation Anxiety
  114. Looking for a little reassurance
  115. New here - not even sure I should be here
  116. Hi All How Are You Doing?
  117. Looking for ways to help my friend/myself
  118. New desk - phobia of heights
  119. Opinions please
  120. Increased heart rate / palpitations after eating
  121. anyone tried hormone replacement therapy?
  122. Social Anxiety - Effectiveness of Beta Blockers?
  123. How do you TELL someone you have an anxiety disorder?
  124. My story and where I am at right now
  125. where did you start?
  126. Do you think its rational to miss school because of anxiety?
  127. Lexapro Withdrawl - Help Please
  128. Does someone share my story? (Stomach pains and heart rate)
  129. Do you? Help needed!
  130. Sharp heart pains... Is this just anxiety related? HELP
  131. making an appointment- help please!
  132. Marriage getting tough with anxiety
  133. What is a typical day like for you?
  134. Need Help With Symptoms
  135. Do i really have an anxiety disorder?
  136. Can a relationship survive anxiety?
  137. What the hell is anxiety?
  138. what should i do next?
  139. just a question
  140. Health anxiety- symptoms seem so real
  141. Blood pressure, passion flower and other things
  142. can anxiety cause this
  143. help
  144. cymbalta question can anyone help?
  145. brand new...question
  146. I need a life overhaul! At a standstill...
  147. numbness and sick stomach
  148. Recover - Crash - Recover - Crash Worse !!
  149. new to the forum and to anxiety/panic help!
  150. Anyone Else Doing It Without Medications
  151. Experience with MDs & Anxiety Diagnosis
  152. how are you all doing
  154. Benzodizepines and other questions.
  155. Anxiety and dating- HELP!!
  156. "Brain zaps" explanation!
  157. dose anyone recommend this?
  158. Hi new to the forum
  159. Benzo Question & Site Not Working
  160. Weird feelings...
  161. my head
  162. Need some help...
  163. Spring Break + Dysfunctional Household = Hell
  164. Anxiety
  165. exercise not helping
  166. Panic attacks and my job (I need to vent, badly)
  167. Anxiety Tool
  168. sudafed
  169. Weird Eye Pressure?
  170. Terrified!
  171. Night Terror
  172. Am i truly agoraphobic?
  173. Is this normal?
  174. Weird feeling I get while walking
  175. Sucsess Stories
  176. Been dealing with an anxiety disorder the last year.
  177. Taking Mediction
  178. can anyone relate
  179. Wondering if anyone has had the same problem
  180. Anxiety question??
  181. Questions...Help please!!!
  182. is this anxiety
  183. health anxiety - viral myocarditis fear at moment
  184. Anxiety about Computer Programming
  185. My neck feels very tight
  186. Helping those with Anxiety
  187. i don't know what to do..
  188. My anxiety has started again, need help quickly......
  189. hormones/tests
  190. Heart flutter/missed beat
  191. Too anxious to get into a relationship!!
  192. Nausea and motion sickness feeling is this definitely anxiet
  193. I have anxiety.
  194. supplements/vitamins
  196. this is crazy
  197. A possible ten minute relief or reduction of anxiety
  198. Dont know how to deal with friend
  201. Anxiety and Depression - Please Help
  202. Anyone feel this
  203. I'm Scared.
  204. Body Jolts and Twitches? Anybody?
  205. Does anyone else get these symptoms, cant eat cause refluxin
  207. Anyone else with these symptoms
  209. I am really really scared
  210. My anxiety disorder= a patience killer
  211. Feeling Weak
  212. is this anxiety
  213. I'm trying to understand
  214. Is this Anxiety?
  215. Anyone have twitches that make whole parts move?
  216. Relora Suppliment ??
  217. Waking up feeling Panic
  218. just need to vent
  219. Antianxiety Techniques- any recommendations?
  220. Weird dizzy off balance feeling
  221. Visual problems, derealization and head pressure?
  222. Can anybody relate??
  223. New to anxiety - Are these common symptoms?
  224. Anxiety eye tricks?
  225. hypnotherapy
  226. timed anxiety
  227. Neuro visit tommorow. Scared..help!
  228. Nervous stomach/hypochondria
  229. Someone to chat with?
  230. Uber intense fear of death
  231. driving drives me crazy
  232. Partial Hospitalization Programs...Any thoughts?
  233. Starting back up again. Help?
  234. Extreme muscle pain and numbness related to Anxiety?
  235. Anxiety Resources-very helpful for me!
  236. Never Been This Bad - I need HELP!!
  237. Blood in my vomit = anxiety spike
  238. Klonopin... Helping me so much, its scary.
  240. I am afraid this is more than anxiety.
  241. normal?
  242. Panic attacks and anxiety
  243. self help/muscle aches
  244. Panic Away?
  245. Quick Question
  246. Anyone else suffering with toilet phobia?
  247. Fear? fcuk fear
  248. Anxiety hits AFTER stressful times are over. Anyone else???
  249. Help...
  250. Can I get better without meds?