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  1. Low Self Esteem
  2. When will this nightmare with my mother end?
  3. Using benzos to combat social anxiety
  4. Help meee plz this anxiety is making me go mad..
  5. I used to think...
  6. My anxiety is ruining my life
  7. hello
  8. Have problems with making conversation.
  9. social fobia!!!
  10. Things have gotten so much better! :)
  11. Panic attacks at work
  12. My story! Please help!!
  13. Trying to get over social anxiety is HARD
  14. Confused about all this
  15. Trying to come to terms with being Eleanor Rigby/ fantasizing about single parenthood
  16. where did you meet your friends and how did you keep them?
  17. social anxiety is getting worse
  18. new on here
  19. Everyday Battle...
  20. Why cant I just stay on antidepressants if they are helping me?
  21. not sure how to approach this, but here it goes...
  22. Lexapro
  23. why
  24. Is anyone else high-strung in social situations?
  25. Need a friend or someone to talk to?
  26. Why?!
  27. sorry need 10 posts
  28. In need of a friend....
  29. help me
  30. Managing anxiety
  31. social anxiety
  32. Social Anxiety w/ New High Stress Job
  33. panic and tears already
  34. Chicago support group
  35. Social phobia?
  36. Mixed Anxiety
  37. Hello, Forum
  38. Scared, im new plz help
  39. Cat?!
  40. its never ending
  41. Overcoming social anxiety/low self-esteem
  42. Are There Any Nurses Here?
  43. Is anyone on on-line?
  44. Meet ups
  45. Social Food Anxiety. Am I the only one?
  46. Meds for SA
  47. Am i taking this the wrong way?
  48. Talking In Class
  49. Want a Girlfriend, yet too scared.
  50. Trouble Communicating with Boss
  51. Friends
  52. Overwhelmed
  53. Mind Set to Walk in the Park and be nice to myself.
  54. Best OTC Social Phobia Medication ?
  55. popularity
  56. Social phobia? Panic attacks? Anxiety attcks? Fear or nothing? Help needed
  57. Asking strangers for things?
  58. Hear me out? :)
  59. people, they drive me crazy!
  60. Anxiety even with my friends?
  61. i messed up my life.
  62. chest pain
  63. anxiety and managing time
  64. Personal Achievements?
  65. Feeling guilty
  66. Sertraline advice needed please !
  67. Finding you way around new places - Driving/walking.
  68. Same old, Same old!!
  69. Scared speechless please help!
  70. Miracle cure for Scocial Phobia and General Anxiety.
  71. Social Phobia because of our looks?
  72. Survival methods...?
  73. Feeling like crap
  74. Relationship Advice - two shy people afraid to make first move
  75. Women & Relationships. Why Do I Feel I Cannot Cope??? How To Fix ?
  76. Why oh why do I have social phobia?
  77. Will i ever overcome my social phobia???
  78. Christmas social splurge
  79. general and social anxiety the cure for me..........so far...........
  80. Short convulsions when nervous
  81. Can't get past my anxiety
  82. Does Social Phobia Stunt Growth?
  83. Please help me with work anxiety..
  84. Does this sound like Social Phobia? :/
  85. social anxiety
  86. social phobia and anxiety and xmas all in one
  87. recently diagnosed
  88. so high and yet so alone
  89. Tips for relaxing in public?
  90. Anyone tried Sertraline/Zoloft ?
  91. Jealousy issues...
  92. Is it possible to just be "born this way"
  93. I'm new, just wanted to say hello! Any tips?
  94. This is the year i recover
  95. Is it meant to be this difficult?
  96. Talking on the phone problems anyone?
  97. Is anyone ever sometimes /glad/ they're "anxiety stricken"?
  98. Mom is mad at me because I have no friends
  99. I'm starting to realise my problem is girls...
  100. WARNING Content ->Raw Emotion - My head space and Check List.
  101. Is this part of anxiety too?
  102. Ugh
  103. Anxiety/Social Anxiety - Jobs & College :c
  104. Anxiety, exams and crush,lol
  105. Social Anxiety
  106. Blushing!
  107. Youtube:)
  108. Read:) Anxiety UK charity
  109. Anxiety UK / JustGiving
  110. Conversation awkwardness
  111. I dig midwest chicks
  112. SAD and the fear of women
  113. Pre-pregnancy pressure to quit Efexor - Struggling!
  114. i feel insecure
  115. Talking with a counsellor
  116. Anxiety in Relationships
  117. New to this
  118. Just a kid with Anxiety
  119. Relationship Woes (anxiety, nerves, nothing?)
  120. Should i keep running from the scary stuff?
  121. They dont belive me
  122. Terrified of dating
  123. How to eliminate anxiety for good
  124. The future
  125. Just need someone to tell me it will be ok...
  126. Feel free to talk to me!
  127. Fricken sad!!
  128. Still afraid
  129. Parents don't understand anxiety?
  130. Feedback Request on Therapy
  131. why me?
  132. Extreme self-consciousness about music taste forcing my taste to change?
  133. How has your anxiety affected your romantic life?
  134. Too scared even to go to my pharmacy
  135. Sexual anxiety?
  136. Fear of rejection
  137. Zoloft...
  138. Anxiety ruining my life
  139. Nice to meet you all / Why I'm here
  140. Anxious in class around professors
  141. I'm scared my anxiety will ruin my relationship
  142. 25 to 35 year old guys with anxiety around women?
  143. Anxiety about anxiety?
  144. Anxiety wont let me enjoy a relationship
  145. Spiraling out of control
  146. Irrational thoughts driving me bonkers
  147. When you can't trust your own best friends
  148. Can't stop worrying about my friendships?
  149. I cured my anxiety. My anxiety included facial pain, brain fog, eye floaters, etc.
  150. I was doing better until today's curveball
  151. Feelings of isolation/not wanting to socialize
  152. Lost
  153. trigger warning sex
  154. Social gathering, gone wrong ( for me)
  155. concert?
  156. Nausea! Please hep :(
  157. Misunderstood?
  158. Confidence! Social Anxiety
  159. Sweating
  160. Advice for todays issue
  161. Timing Out - MY SPACE - My attempt to skip a beat and renew the cycle of life.
  162. My hair is falling out!!!
  163. new to page, away from boyfriend, need advice please!
  164. Social Anxiety Disorder?
  165. social anxiety coping with a particular situation
  166. Lack of Eye Contact
  167. i need the money but
  168. Bad evening
  169. Social Anxiety at Work!
  170. I got some Sun!
  171. My story, and need some advice from others
  172. Social Anxiety
  173. Advice on confidence if your lacking it?
  174. The hot climate makes me feel like a ,"Big Lump of Melted Clay."
  175. Public Panic Attack = Scared to Leave My House
  176. Really anxious during my singing lessons!
  177. Highschool brings me down
  178. Shopping centres
  179. Its NOT the same making NEW ADULT friends.
  180. Really anxious over New Relationships........STILL.
  181. Still feel Nervous about going back to work F/T. `
  182. today
  183. Marilyn Manson
  184. work anxiety destroying my life
  185. College Student suffering from Social Anxiety/Rejection
  186. Sharing my SA experiences
  187. Halloween Crowds , Yikes...
  188. Vote on Nov 4th. Even if it is anxiety provoking...
  189. Not sure if considered SA but
  190. SA makes me look arrogant
  191. Relationship Anxiety.
  192. Always Feel Like I'm Going to Cry In Public
  193. Is it possible to begin with a blank slate?
  194. People scare me
  195. Making phone calls
  196. Brother's Creepy friends always Coming to our Door Stresses Me Out
  197. Keeping It Simple
  198. Anybody else have shaking/hand tremors/eating phobia?
  199. new to all this with questions.
  200. I had an intervention and I hope it can help you!
  201. How to socialize when you don't know how.
  202. Too Anxious of Getting Pregnant:
  203. Has anyone had success working outside the home?
  204. Rah Rah Voice Tones Make me Feel very very Annoyed...................................
  205. About My Brother's Social Anxiety
  206. Selective Mutism?
  207. My Back is in Pain From a Full Day of Work and Anxiety.
  208. Fear of Driving; A Sort of Social Anxiety?
  209. Please help me friends
  210. Getting help
  211. Social anxiety
  212. emotionless
  213. dorm life with anxiety.
  214. ?
  215. I looked in the mirror and realized my old clothes look aweful on me.
  216. Social Anxiety
  217. Is this social anxiety?
  218. What pills to take to reduce anxiety and have conversations with new people?
  219. Confrontation To Contemplation
  220. I Dreamt Last Night that I tried To Stir up A Irish Dance Flash Mob at Fair.
  221. Work related anxiety spreading into personal life.
  222. Scared to go back to Work
  223. What does this woman think of me?
  224. visible physical symptoms effecting people I interact with
  225. Nausea in Certain Social Situations
  226. self-talk for occasion involving professional scrutiny
  227. Please, I need advice
  228. Afraid to Live with Boyfriend
  229. Paranoia
  230. facing your anxiety step by step
  231. mouving on from your anxiety
  232. Been Pleaing the 5th Lately amongst all the Noise.....
  233. My Experiences with Social Anxiety
  234. Social Anxiety: Silent pain
  235. social anxiety expanded to family
  236. Social Anxiety & Work
  237. Using Terror to fight Terror
  238. I need a little help
  239. Poems
  240. why do i think like this....
  241. Social Phobia & Mind Block
  242. ALWAYS apologizing
  243. Is cbt/partial hospitalization for me?
  244. Vomiting/nausea at any type of contact with a certain person
  245. Are you scared of your neighbors making sounds?
  246. Story of My Life - My Social Anxiety
  247. Physical pain after an argument
  248. My daughter's big anxious wedding.
  249. Is there any hope for me at finding a good job?
  250. New and Anxious