View Full Version : Agoraphobia Forum
- Acyberlove is open again, see y'all there Love Peter
- where da lawyers ya brain stem nob nob nob
- i am the original thesaunderschild all others are fake i am #1
- Peter Ross Anderson Wants To Murder His Former Support Workers
- Peter Anderson at the Edinburgh Corn Exchange!
- veoh112
- Peter Anderson exposed sex criminal
- Peter Anderson the most smelly Scottish criminal on record
- veoh112
- missmarilynx started nasty gossip, I only went to this dungeon in Edinburgh twice.
- Smelly Scottish criminal
- Peter Ross Anderson Thought Faggot Ponder Would Help It
- Nathan Jones...
- Smelly Scottish criminal
- go west young man go west
- da peta is clueless lost dum
- Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
- Do you think Jill Will Be Back In RE5? - The Horror Is Alive
- Glitch
- Peter Ross Anderson Personal Address
- peter anderson hates black women the racist small scotsman
- Peter Ross Anderson Sucks Dick At Pool
- Glitch
- da peta stole da short dna gene, no high heels can fix this u nob nob nob nob
- Glitch
- why not get talky parts in films
- that dumb Aussie probably subscribed to Bing for alerts
- sherlock
- he keeps denying hes an aussie and when i get to the top of the stairs wammoo got ya
- where is da legal beagles why it take so long da barbecue go cold
- da new blue flippers an da new surfboard hang 10 catch a wave
- all cast and crew clear da site now massive gas leak erupt from da bagpipes
- gas leak scootland edinboorah leith stinky boy open gas valve warning woop woop woop
- da edinbogians fleeing from da skunk da stink travelling at da speed of sound
- da edinbogians warned wear gas masks da stink from da skunk little leith boy very bad
- edinbog little leath stinky peter anderson rips another gas leak in asda store woop
- Glitch
- peter is a telly tubbie
- where are da bogan cops, ponder fled da scene, on da run, inerpool tango foxtrot
- Glitch
- asda had to close doors da little leith stinky boy wanted to enter da shop
- peter awoke from a disturbed broken sleep crying they got no birthday flowers
- da peter cried again today, no flowers, no bithday cake, no friends, oh poor peter
- da peter cried and cried and cried all night, no friends, no birthday flowers.
- da jam filled rolly polly peter was seen at asda glutton all you can eat self service
- Glitch
- how can da peter not know how to write a letter longhand cursive wid da pencil
- uploaded YouTube videos with his own accommodation featured. were da house be da clue
- sherlock can no find da youtube house, just how hard is dis really how hard can it be
- Instore
- The Rat of the internet
- I got banned from NeoGAF
- I have to disclose all my criminal records to film producers, directors and my agents
- That Old Chestnut Bub?
- breadcrumbs
- Glitch
- thesaunderschild went outside...
- thesaunderschild and his screwball ice cream...
- thesaunderschild and milkshake...
- thesaunderschild and his trainset...
- thesaunderschild and his bath!
- thesaunderschild and lettuce...
- thesaunderschild and white chocolate...
- thesaunderschild and his Arnie...
- thesaunderschild and Motorola...
- thesaunderschild and hockey...
- thesaunderschild and traffic lights!
- James Berich and his Spark...
- peter anderson went to retard school
- thesaunderschild is the greatest!
- It's true that thesaunderschild could pin or submit James Berich...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, S
- thesaunderschild is better than James Berich...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Sc
- Nope, James!
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Sc
- Pac-Man...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Scotl
- James Berich the bogan!
- I win again...
- I see you, baby...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh...
- James Berich cannot leave the house...
- Peter Ross Anderson's Address: 2/6 Greendykes House, Greendykes Road Edinburgh, Scotl
- Shan cake surprise...
- Glitch
- da smelly bum + da no speak no see extra = failure huge massive
- leith films want me to talk and move in the new film redcon 11
- smelly anderson poo pants
- My bottom sounds in G major
- leithstinkyboy is a glitch in da smells leaking in edlinbog, oh poo da smell
- Australia on the phone
- sandgropers
- Peter is here 24/7 Peter dreams about being here, Peter can't stay away.
- Glitch
- Peter pulls his pants down at the park.
- #2 door on da left up da stairs = leaves da peter confused. 🙎🏿 da peter da spazzo
- 🙎🏿racist peter anderson weedy little scotsperson hates blacks🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿🙎🏿
- Glitch
- dumboooooooooooooooooo
- where is the ussr = mindblowiningly duma da da jellyfish
- PeterAndersonIsALegend is better than PeterAndesonIsARacist...
- peter anderson stand under young girls bedroom windows = red card off da field.
- da peter anderson in love wid da spadro + smell = red card go to rectum
- Glitch
- Glitch
- HONK! HONK! HONK! mom has pedal to da metal, da son running to catch up.
- hotel california, shuttup son, sorry mom
- peter anderson pulling the wire, sorry mom, stop it son, yes mom.
- peter anderson
- peter anderson aka typhoidpeter, fills da pants full of da bacteria.
- Glitch
- Born to smell
- Glitch
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- 𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා 🐊𐐘💥╾━╤デ╦︻ඞා
- ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯sherlock + peter anderson = da big poos in da pants
- tricksp̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͍͛̽̈́̕͝
- peter poos da pants.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝S
- peter cries because he got no birthday cards.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e
- peter no wash hands after using toilet.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- jail time
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- peter is packing the bags for prison.🄿🄰🅃🅁🄸🄲🄺 🄲🄾🄽🄽🄾🄻🄻🅈
- peter da dum.🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- Knight Plug has da bad gums and teeth.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷U
- peter uses da retard card for bus rides.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷&a
- peter got anal warts.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽͝
- peter sends letters to schoolgirls.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷ ͛
- I hear what you're saying, Shagger.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛&
- night closes peter no move no talk but do big poos.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻̄̉̈́̓͠
- peter is funny.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽̈́͝
- ahoy shiver ne timbers it da drip drip.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷
- peter is da fat fart sniffer.p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛̽&
- hurry up wid legals..🕷🐊
- Glitch the end..🕷🐊
- nemesis game over..🕷🐊
- ⛅ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ 🚁 ✈ 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- having a whale of a time, da sand is so hot. 🐳 🐋
- _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__🚕_ _ _ _ _
- whispers at da bus stop da belley wobble like jelly da looney at edlinbog. _ _ _ _ _
- Os/2. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- OS/2 Warp 4.. 🕷🐊🕷🐊🕷🐊
- Glitch.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- My Coffin Cup.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽
- definitely that australian guy.. 🏢🏤_🏬_ / |_\🏫🏢🌳🌳 _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ ▀̿&
- T̵͎̘͉̀͛̕h̴̼̟͍̔͝e̸̝̠͉͊̕͠ F̸͖͔͓͆̒o̵̡̦̻̿͘̕r̸̪̻̝̓̀͐e
- s̳t̳r̳a̳w̳b̳e̳r̳r̳y̳ b̳a̳n̳a̳n̳a̳ s̳u̳n̳d̳a̳e̳ =̳ p̳e̳t̳e̳r̳ a̳n̳d̳e̳r̳s̳o̳
- The Foreskin Saga #3
- peterstalksmeeveryday.. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 27923
- I was looking for this ex of mine, she up peterpoos rectum.Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk
- peter do da big poos in pants today..p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛
- PPP://peter poos pants.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- Round like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel
- I gave you all I have to give.
- 🇹 🇭 🇪 🇸 🇦 🇺 🇳 🇩 🇪 🇷 🇸 🇨 🇭 🇮 🇱 🇩
- So I had my internet suspended by TalkTalk over a late payment.
- The folk at DREMONDEMON call me a freak!
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- peter have collection of very rare square shaped poos. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- "hasta la vista, baby."
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- peter is short and fat fat fat. p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̗͔̻͉͔̄̉̈́̓͠e̷͛R
- thesaunderschildGlitch.🕷🐊
- 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘 🦘
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- he is Peter A again. A male who is the biggest pest the forum has ever had. htt
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- thesaunderschildaustralia#1.. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- da LOON found da big hard poos in Rose Street. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- 20 paces den turn and fire. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- SamboPete left a long hard poos in a my coffee cup at da Rose Street Cafe. Honk! _ _
- SamboFatPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- SamboFattySniggerPeter. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- da pooter seen his own ghost on da wall. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- down wombat street da stairs on da left in da boomerang hoose. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__
- Chris Morse is a plump athlete...
- thesaunderschild protects women...
- Strawberry Banana Sundae.. ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̳̦̾̆̕̚͝ẹ̷̡̛̣̦̗̇̽̋̚t̷̄͠
- LauraCashMachine. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- LadyBellaBird lawyer in Tayside, Scotland
- PhattyPeter + oh my anus is being stretched = looking for da red book.
- PhattyPeter + any friends at all = 0. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- Social Outcast = Yes. Honk! _ _ _ _ _🚋_🚗__Honk!
- peterhoping44 petera peteraactor leith social reject smellypeter = rejected by world.
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird Glitch.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird STINKS.🕷🐊
- LadyBellaBird Escorts sunken saggy titties.
- peterpoos + sherlock = it a mystery
- peterpoos + how many mates = 0 @ da shift key.
- social rejects have no friends = 0
- Glitch.🕷🐊
- PeterPoos is all alone new years eve. PeterPoos cries. No friends no one loves them.
- sarahk trollop skank dishwasher dry vagina
- LadyBellaBird FAT arse.🕷🐊
- laura had sexual relations with a larger chinese person.
- on da phone 2 da directors and da talent agents.
- LadyBellaBird skank.🕷🐊
- in da slamma again, ho ho ho ha hahahaha, fattyporkylardtummy peterpoos.
- Glasgow the summer of 24
- Patrick Wins. Booooooooooooom
- Livingston Sheriff Court and Justice of the Peace Court is part of the West Lothian C
- keep women safe from deviant sex offenders.
- keep women safe from deviant sex offenders.
- patrickooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
- sherlock = advising and updating all the working girls.
- Goofey Honk Honk
- do you wear thick rimed glasses and have podgy fingers, no, I am skinny.
- were you born in Perth.
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊
- snappy shopper bag had da granny inside, wee suprise granny here. honk.
- Jodie Matheson, from Glasgow Rainbowtoast123 .. HONK.
- peterpoos = tried but failed
- 404 Sorry, Page Not Found...
- poosiseverywherepeterissmellypooypeter
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- Butterflies with Wendy Craig, lovely show good characters.
- I'm gonna get that Michael Does Life for calling me a simp, arsehole he is.
- Michael Does Life is a YouTube hasbeen, a nobody, a crackhead, a retard.
- Our system thinks you might be a robot! We're really sorry about this, but it's gett
- I am your leader, I am the real thesaunderschild, I am the #1 the original
- The Mysterious Miss Austen. We love you Jane Austen.
- We love New York this time of year. Wonderful.
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- Bells Beach is lovely this time of year, 🐟 🐬 🐳 🐋 🐳🐳🐳��🐳🐳 🐳🐳🐳🐳🐳 🐟 🐬
- we love u peter can u get da little red book from ur library ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̮̜̾̆̕̚͝
- we love you Taylor Swift. Fortnight. Swifties.
- Bought an old Gibson, found it knockin around in a second hand shop.
- All-girl bands are awesome. we love them all-girl bands.
- Eagles - Hotel California, We love the Eagles.
- Not Yo Mammas Nanner Puddin
- thesaunderschild intergalactic traveler, #1 galaxy traveler, Yo!
- retards retards retards retards retards retards retards retards honk honk honk
- satire comedy funny hilarious joke art comics fun ▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿༽ p̸͓̾̆̕̚͝
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert20004 mert2
- Glitch. 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��🕷🐊 🕷🐊🕷��🕷��🕷🐊🕷��&
- 🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷🐊 🇦 🇺🏝🦈⬇️🪃🇦🇺🦘🐨🌏🩴🍻🏞🕷㈁
- The Foreskin Saga returns to tombstone with all six guns blazing.
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