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Ok so, every holiday i've been on even since I was little I have always felt a bit worried or out of sorts about, but it's been nothing over powering.
In recent times the 'worrier' in me has increased into being full blown anxiety, it is over various situations and not just holidays.
I'm on medication at the moment and have been on various different meds for a few years.. for anxiety and for mood disorders. These medications are great for my mood but do nothing for my anxiety.
My main anxiety that I have to deal with is experiencing new things, like a new job, a new person or a new place.
I want to become a more independent person in all aspects of my life and one thing I would love to do more than anything else is to travel.. which right now seems near impossible.
I have had two bad experiences within the last two years that really lowered my self confidence and self beliefs.
Its not the actual traveling that makes me anxious, i'm fine sitting on a plane or train etc.. I think it's the thought of not being familiar with the destination and not knowing what could or couldn't happen. These fears really take over and ruin any chance I have of enjoying new things.
Any advice or comments from people with similar experiences would be really nice.