Welcome to the Anxiety Forum - A Home for Those with Anxiety, Fear, or Panic Attacks.
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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    San Diego CA

    Brand new

    Im new here and thought I would introduce myself. I am diagnosed Bipolar with severe anxiety/social anxiety. I have always had some form of anxiety but in the last 5 years it has progressed to the point of not being able to do the things I once loved or even day to day( driving on the freeway, going to the beach, going to a bar/club/grocery/school/work/park..) I have worked past some of them and can proudly say I can drive on the freeway after almost 10 years of avoiding and taking the back roads. I have been in therapy off and on for most of my adult life and now that I am truly ready to get a hold of this and my ups and downs and move forward and not let my gripping fear hold me back, It actually is working some what. I am really happy I found this forum. I recently had a major panic attack at my job and had to be taken out by the EMT's and now I feel ashamed and embarrassed. But reading that others have had the same situation makes me feel a little at ease. I found this forum because I googled if anyone else has panic attacks more when they are sick( I have bronchitis right now =/ and notice when I am sick or physically weak by something I tend to have attacks more frequently) . I am so glad I did and take comfort knowing im not alone in this. I actually let out a sigh when I read someone had both those things happen.
    I hope to get to know some of you and be a help also.


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Welcome olive
    Hope u find some help with people over here..

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Welcome to the forum. Everyone on here will be able to help and support you when you need it. You will also find every symptom you have someone else has had or is having. I have found people's help on here really good and made some good friends who get me through my very worse days and nights. I hope you do too. Lin



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