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  1. #21
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I'm sorry to hear what your going through! Reading what your going through is EXACTLY what Im going through! I'm 25 have had anxiety for about 7 years an outta nowhere a year ago it hit my hard cant drive anywhere can't go anywhere by myself friends have to take me places.... I can't do anything with my lil boy without his father around because I feel like I'm going to faint or (drop dead) if I'm by myself with him..... Sounds crazy but I literally think I'm going to die at any second when I'm having anxiety. I don't take medication I want to try an overcome it without.. I hear its possible.... Doctors say its not but I believe I can overcome it. Lately exercising an eating healthy has helped a bit but the past couple days it's been back really bad.... I hate that people have to go through this but it makes me feel better that I'm not the only one! I don't feel crazy when I read posts I can relate to... I still myself want to know why this happened to me outta nowhere I don't feel depressed AT ALL.... But maybe I am? I've accepted not being able to drive shop etc by myself..... But I'm still in shock that something like this can happen an I'm not the only one.... I really hope this is something you myself an everyone who goes through this can overcome

  2. #22
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Stephanie21- our situations sound the same! I can not accept the fact that I can't drive anywhere or go shopping or do the things that I used to. I'm determined to try to get the life I had back! I refuse to go on ssri's or any of the other crap the doctors try to put me on. I've been on every kind of antidepressant ever made, and they've never helped me.. Most doctors aren't going to tell you it's possible to beat this without meds, because most doctors (in my opinion) really don't understand this disorder, so they're gonna push meds on you cuz that's what they do for everyone else that comes in with these problems. I do however take ativan, when I need it, but the last 4 days I haven't needed any! I do honestly believe a person can beat this with out being on the antidepressants.. Everyone is different, so there are some people who do need to take AD's to help over come this, and that's perfectly ok, but I don't believe I'm one of them. I feel I just needed some anxiety medicine (Ativan, not AD's) to get me over and out of that panicked state that I was in, so then I could start working on it, and that's exactly what I've done, and its working. I'm feeling a little better each day, my anxiety is still there, but its tolerable, it's not so overwhelming, I haven't had a panic attack in days. I now know that I'm not gonna drop dead at any second, if I do start feeling the symptoms of a panic attack coming on, I can be logical about it, and tell myself you know what this is, you're not dying.. Sorry I'm rambling on.. Just know that you CAN overcome this without meds and this will not last forever, you will get through this

  3. #23
    Does aerobic activity help you at all? It stops my trembling and weak feeling. I have to do it for awhile though everyday. It burns up the extra adrenaline. I have had every symptom in over two decades. Like you, I missed two weeks of work ; i couldn't go anywhere. I am better now. I found working out helped calm me down. I am on meds though. I am seeing a shrink too. I also have had the sweating episdoes. Feel free to talk with me. I am here for you.,

  4. #24
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Thank you going on fast pace walks help me a lot, idk if that counts as aerobic exercise tho I'm still on a leave from school, I don't go back until the second week of July, I'm hoping by then I will be able to go back! I miss it. I've been waiting to get into see a therapist for a while now, I don't have health insurance so the state sent me to a place where they will pay for me to see a therapist, but there's a waiting list, which they didn't tell me about, but I will just keep doing what I'm doing and hopefully I'll get a call next week to get in to see a therapist



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