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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Can Anxiety Cause Tingling Sensation?

    Ok so I am 16 and I have had anxiety in the past, but since the start of January (around the 7th) I have been stressing out quite badly about various different things and I have realised that since I have been stressing out I have started to feel like a tingling sensation on my face or on my fingers/toes sometimes, It doesn't seem to be that apparent when I am relaxed only apparent when I am stressed or appears more when I am thinking about it.
    Some added info though the body part isn't numb I can feel pain there, I can smile and such alike; so I am wondering can Stress or anxiety cause a kinda tingling sensation in the face or toes/fingers.
    Any answers would be much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Yes blackspur the tingling always indicates to me that I have an attack coming on usually I start hyperventilating straight afterwards. I got them in my hands and face. Doing breathing exercises and rubbing my hands and face always helps as does shaking my hands to get rid of the extra adrenaline.

    Everyone's body reacts differently to stress and anxiety - its identifying what your symptoms are and learning how to deal with them that's key. Then u just know its your body's normal reaction and it doesn't panic you when it happens.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by kerrielee View Post
    Yes blackspur the tingling always indicates to me that I have an attack coming on usually I start hyperventilating straight afterwards. I got them in my hands and face. Doing breathing exercises and rubbing my hands and face always helps as does shaking my hands to get rid of the extra adrenaline.

    Everyone's body reacts differently to stress and anxiety - its identifying what your symptoms are and learning how to deal with them that's key. Then u just know its your body's normal reaction and it doesn't panic you when it happens.
    I have had anxiety in the past but I think because I am worrying about set topics and am over thinking it and getting symptoms and such from it, just a matter or ignoring it, gonna start doing a bit of exercise next week so hopefully that will reduce the stress and the tingling along with it.



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