My name is Shanna, and I am 20 years old. I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for 7 years now, so most of the life I remember vividly. For the past 2 or 3 years I had been doing pretty good, only a few attacks a month, and they were mostly in high stress situations. But suddenly I have taken 100 steps back. You see, I am moving away to college in about 2 months and I am terrified, it is all I think about, and I am almost constantly anxious, and when I am not worried about college, I am worried about the anxiety itself. I have orientation for school on friday this week and I am so worried that if it ends badly, I could become even more terrified for the school year. It is so hard to think that I will be living an hour away from my parents, boyfriend, and dog, who have helped me get this far, and are like my security net. What I am looking for is advice, words of encouragement, and any similar stories you may have that can make me feel less alone, and more strong. Thank You!