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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by CMPUNK1 View Post
    There is always someone out there who has it worse than you and would love to be in your situation.

    The problem is anxiety etc is a condition that starts small and gradually gets worse and at the begin people dont take enough care to make sure it doesn't get worse. We then start new behaviours and habits which are hard to break and that why it takes a long time to go because it takes time to break them habits. Myself included.

    We tend to let it get the better of us and dont do enough to make sure it goes away. We need to help our selves by making better lifestyle choices like drinking more water, relaxing more, getting regular exercise, getting up early, eating a better diet, cutting out smoking and alcohol, avoiding too many things, not a routine, not having an something to do everyday, getting 8 hours sleep etc

    If we did just two things on that list im sure our anxiety would be much lower.
    No I don't drink or smoke. Everything u wrote,sounds like me .i let a lot of situations pile up on me. Didn't handle well . I can't thank u enough for visiting with me

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I think it is just another symptom be cause i have had these too! And my muscles Hurt everyday! Also my joints snap alot throughout my whole body.. Never hear anyone say that one though.

  3. #13
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Massachusetts, US
    I had what felt like muscle weakness, mostly in my arms and legs, and it lasted for a few days. I would notice that while I was active, the feeling kind of went away, but while lying in bed my getting ready to sleep my arms and legs would feel incredibly weak. It was scary at first, but I tried convincing myself it was just anxiety.. I'd take a benzo and notice the feeling would start to go away a little. I had an awful time staying asleep too. I was lucky if I got 2 or 3 hours a night, so that may have contributed to it as well. It just kinda went away on its own, I made sure to keep myself busy and before I knew it I hadn't noticed the weak feeling anymore. I must have stopped focusing on the symptom and so it just disappeared.



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