Quote Originally Posted by CMPUNK1 View Post

I have been suffering for around three years now with GAD, Panic Attacks,memory problems, derealisation, depersonalisation mild OCD, fear of going crazy and the whole intrusive thoughts thing.

It took me along time to admit that I had a problem and have only recently sought help from professionals. Brought on by prolonged periods of stress related to life issues and a case of early onset arthritis.


I have a whole catalogue of issues/ triggers that have taken me on an emotional roller coaster for years and its been very difficult but I am now trying to seek as much help as possible to finally try to squash these problems and rid myself of them.

At the moment im trying to find out my triggers/behaviour/thought process etc

The main thing that makes it worse is the day after drinking alcohol which is something I have cut down on heavily.

I have however noticed something that happens that usually sets me off.

Basically I have a temporary weakness in the whole of my body the last no more than 5 seconds. By this it feels like there is a fullness to my whole body and its washes right over me and makes me feel exhausted and weak for no more than 5 seconds.

This feeling somehow feels like it moves to my head and triggers me to feel anxious and full of anxiety and it triggers me to worry, panic which then triggers all the other symptoms I have stated above.

I do have a general feeling of muscle weakness all of the time which makes me feel pretty tired but the above scenario is an intense version that triggers an anxiety attack.

I just wondered if you have any advice, no what this is or have heard of it before?
I suffer from panic with weakness and trembling. I am crying because I am so worn out from this on a day to day basis. So tired of this.