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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Columbia, Tennessee

    problems with working in public, organizing, causes my anxiety.

    I'm having a problem that I have dealt with forever. i have a problem with multiple things placed in front of me. It causes my anxiety to increase and causes me to spazz out.

    Things like: working with numerous employees, talking in crowds, shopping in front of people, organizing documents, riding in a car through traffic, or working on the computer in Windows 7. Its things like that frustrates me as it is interfering in my life and my business.

    Does anyone have the same problems and how do they overcome these obstacles everyday?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DeviozMartin View Post
    I'm having a problem that I have dealt with forever. i have a problem with multiple things placed in front of me. It causes my anxiety to increase and causes me to spazz out.

    Things like: working with numerous employees, talking in crowds, shopping in front of people, organizing documents, riding in a car through traffic, or working on the computer in Windows 7. Its things like that frustrates me as it is interfering in my life and my business.

    Does anyone have the same problems and how do they overcome these obstacles everyday?
    Yes I hate it. I work with the wonderful, friendly oh most courteous public (yeah right) ..... Sends my anxiety into orbit. I don't like speaking I don't like to be in an office with them and when they close the door in my office and sit down I want to scream. I have palpitations while driving. If a store has too many cars outside I keep on driving. I breakout into a sweat in crowds.... I'm so sick of this ALL I WANT TO DO IS LIVE A HAPPY LIFE!!!!!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Apr 2013
    Do not drive by a store with lots of cars out front, park and go in. Grit your teeth and bear it, that puts in a position of control over the anxiety. Go with a friend and tell that person to keep you talking, answering questions, whatever keep that train of thought focused outward. When you survive your trip to the store, focus on that and the reason is... you stood up to the anxiety and let your mind think about other things.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Columbia, Tennessee
    my mind is always going as I am always pin pointing the little things like why is that apple red. so i have always got my mind preoccupied when it comes to anxiety. i just wish there was a way i could slow down my train of thought so that it wasn't causing the anxiety attacks cause my brain needs a rest from time to time lol.



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