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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Mar 2013

    SSRI killed my anxiety but wakes me up too early!

    Hi all,

    I posted this on a different site but I was hoping you could help.

    I went on Celexa just over two weeks ago for my anxiety (10 mg). I have to say it really has helped with that! One of my main issues was having anxiety at night, which kept me up for hours sometimes so that I couldn't sleep until quite late. This has turned into a non-issue, as now I fall asleep pretty quickly with no problem at all.

    HOWEVER, now I am waking up at 3 or 4 AM every morning! I thought at first it was because I was taking my meds at night, so I've been taking it in the morning instead. It hasn't helped at all. In many ways I am MORE sleep deprived now than when I started, because even when I can sleep in a bit (weekends, days I don't start work until later) I am awake at the same ungodly hour! I am in bed by 10 every night but I'm a wreck every day. It also has made my back pain and headaches worse.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Will it go away? I'm going to try to get a hold of my doc but I'm getting desperate and I'm just tempted to quit. I need at least every THIRD night to be restful.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Florida, USA
    Yes, it's the very reason I went off it. My pharmacist said in time I would adjust to this but it did stick around for the 6 months I was on it although I did start to sleep better. Just not good enough so I went back on prozac and sleep pretty well again. You might see this fade if you stay with it or you might be better off on say 25mg of zoloft. Often ssri's need to be tried on any given patient to find which helps the most with the least side effects. I'm pretty sure your doc will switch you to zoloft if you explain all and ask about it. Just my thoughts on this. Alankay

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    I talked to my doc and she suggested upping my dose to 20 mg. I'm kind of afraid to do this, though, because I'm scared it will make it worse. She said if that doesn't work we can talk about moving to Effexor or something else. Lexapro is what I originally wanted to go on but it's too expensive for me.

  4. #4
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    Florida, USA
    Yes lexapro costs. My advise, try others before spending all that. Not that it's a bad med but because others in generic will/may help as much for less. Take a pass on paxil or effexor until you try 2-3 ssri's. Just my advise. Alankay

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Nc, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by senorita View Post
    I talked to my doc and she suggested upping my dose to 20 mg. I'm kind of afraid to do this, though, because I'm scared it will make it worse. She said if that doesn't work we can talk about moving to Effexor or something else. Lexapro is what I originally wanted to go on but it's too expensive for me.
    With some online coupon generic lexapro ( escitalopram ) at the Walmart pharmacy went down from a $100 to only $17 !!!!!i know it sound crazy but yes all I did I searched escitalopram 10 coupon and print it out )
    Give it a try

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    the doctor told me my lexapro was cheap only 10.00 but w my ins its 12.00--she also told me celexa was the mother of lexapro, so they are similar--senorita, I just posted about my horrible lexapro insomnia in the medication forum--then I read yours and it could almost be the same thread!!! like I said there, I did not take my lexapro thismorn, in hopes of an actual night of sleep--but I'm wondering if just one day off will produce the sleep I CRAVE!! I see the Doc tues, I'll see what she thinks, I just know I cannot stand the early morning insomnia much longer--its making me scared to go to bed its so depressing!! good luck to you, I'm so happy to have found this forum!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    I get all sorts of problems with sleep with different anti depressants working too well with sleeping tablets, or stopping sleeping tablets working. My psychiatrist is really good and will change what time I take my anti depressants if stopping me sleeping, or making me sleep the next day, but even he can't get it right all the time. So I usually have a couple of bad nights and then a couple of good nights. Even when I am well though I have a problem with sleep.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    My prozac dose was so high. 80 mgs in the am that sleep at night was impossible. This was also with klonopin .5 mgs 4 times a day. I went to my doctor and he put me on remeron 15 mgs at night. I slept like a baby at night . May want to add that also

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    i dont belive in medical

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2013
    so,e exercises some stratgies will be great to overcome anexiety



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