Hi glad to be here, I'm new. I started lexapro 7 weeks ago..10 mg gave me awful stomach probs, so cut back to 3/4 of a pill (7.5mg?). Well not so much at first , but I have slowly become a tortured insomniac! I thought lexapro was supposed to make you tired (said side effect) so I took it at night...then I read about the insomnia so switched to morning--also at the same time approx, I started adderall, 50 mg a day all taken befor 1:00pm...so I thought the insomnia was from that--but even when I tried cutting down the add, even not taking it, I still have the insomnia! I will go to bed tired about 11 after some melatonin, or these weak little doxapins, but I am up as early as 2:30 sometimes and cannot go back to sleep!! I even had some leftover ambien and tried those--well each ambien bought me about 2 hours of sleep! one ambien should knock me out for 8 hrs!! I'm at a loss, I punch into work at 8:15--but even on weekends, I cant sleep in!! SO--I didnt take my lexapro thismorning, and will see if I sleep tonite...any advise or insight would be appreciated, sleep deprivation is more depressing than my original depression!! Thank You!!!