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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    My Mind Refuses to Accept the Fact that NOTHING is wrong with me...

    Soo, peeps and fellow sufferers of anxiety. I have learnt a lot about this monster over the last few months. Yes, the mind is a powerful thing. None of us here can dispute that, but what does that say about any possibility of it being rebooted or reprogrammed so we can go back to be normal?

    Over the last few days, I have had an increase in anxiety beginning with the news of one of my high school best friends death. He lost a year long battle with colon cancer at 35. Very sad news, and my nerves were super sensitized causing me great distress and crippling my ability to have a fully productive day. And I thought about it long and hard, and realize the problem I am having is that my mind simple refuses to accept the thought that nothing is wrong with me. If my mind was a computer it would be in a repair shop by now getting rebooted, wiped clean and a brand new os installation.

    Question is, how do I really convince my mind that despite the sensations I am feeling, the shortness of breath, the tinglings and minor pains that I am in fact in perfect health as my doctor says?

    Its a weird question, but I am hoping there is at least one person here who has succeeded in doing this and I would love to hear the steps you took.
    Living With Anxiety

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I'm in completely the same frame of mind right now. I can't seem to accept that the way I've been feeling lately is truly a result of anxiety. It baffles my mind that these symptoms could be psychosomatic and not due to some illness or condition. I hope this is something that truly can be overcome. It's pretty awful.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Feb 2013
    Once accept you are not well in head with depression and/or anxiety you can start finding help. Your Dr should be able to refer you for help, but if not then things like meditation, acupuncture and essential oils can help. My psychiatrist recommended meditation and it is really good. I go to a Buddha class every week which the NHS mindfulness guided meditation follows, and i also go to a Christian meditation which is a little talk and then 20 minute silent meditation. Also made some friends at the groups who also have illnesses so good to talk to and help.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2011
    There is something wrong with you.

    Your nervous system is so sensitive that the fight or flight response can get triggered at the drop of a hat. By allowing your nervous system to heal, keeping your breathing calm, adjusting your thinking and learning new and productive habits, and doing certain techniques, you can heal yourself. But mainly, you have fallen into the trap of believing the bluff. Anxiety is a bluff! You're being bluffed!
    Last edited by PanicCured; 04-10-2013 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Boston MA
    Quote Originally Posted by noumenalist View Post
    I'm in completely the same frame of mind right now. I can't seem to accept that the way I've been feeling lately is truly a result of anxiety. It baffles my mind that these symptoms could be psychosomatic and not due to some illness or condition. I hope this is something that truly can be overcome. It's pretty awful.
    This is exactly how I feel. I keep thinking "this CAN'T be just anxiety" - there has to be some underlying cause...

    It's a very sucky mindset.



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