Well, I've been in a rut since January...I have a sucession of really good days where I feel fine and happy and everything is going well. Those days I don't worry about anything and feel relieved that I might finally be making a change. Yet, I get weeks where most of the time it feels as though I'm alone here at college....I have a boyfriend but I barely see him at all and I feel more like I'm friends with him now. My roommates constantly leave me out and do things together and I just can't seem to make any close, meaningful friendships. My parents always call and say they'll come visit but cancel at the last minute. I'm tired of being so alone...I really feel like I have nobody anymore. Everything is pulling away from me and no matter how hard I try to catch up to regain my old life it speeds away faster and faster. I'm pretty sure it isn't depression because my family doesn't have a history and I've never felt like this before, but I'm so confused as to why this didn't hit me last year during freshman year. I really don't like this isolation cell I've put myself in.