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  1. #1

    Cool Those Rocking, Swaying, Water Sloshing Around In Your Head Sensations!

    Add to that the feeling like your limbs are rubber bands, stretching and then contracting.

    Does anyone have these symptoms, esp the rocking sensations in your head, like you're constantly on a boat?

    Is this an inner ear balance thing or is it in your brain or something?

    What's the best way to eradicate or minimize these rockings? Their so tiring!

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Hi.. I can relate 2 your feeling of the limbs being stretched& released..on bad days I feel like I have lots of little people pulling my body apart..my head also feels light..& can almost feel my brain moving & zaps.hope this makes sense

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I have the head issues as well. Went to Dr. he said all is fine. I asked about possibly brain tumor/cancer, to which he laughed and said its anxiety. My head hurts alot but the "zaps" are the weird thing. My therapist doesnt really know what it is either.



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