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Thread: Looking for Air

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I know this all too well. My anxiety affects mostly my breathing. I think I can deal with every other symptom but that one. Super uncomfortable, but it helps knowing that my body don't need my help to breathe, so I have resolved to just take a back seat and allow whatever feeling or sensation to just have its fun.
    Living With Anxiety

  2. #12
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Glass, we have smiliar backgrounds around symptoms / work load / struggle to keep performaing at high level etc. My episodes, however, were 23 years ago. I understand everything you have said in spades. I would say unfortunately that you seem to be making a similar mistake (in hindsight) to one I made. Getting meds without getting therapy from a Psychologist. Did a Psychiatrist prescribe the Busbar and Welbutrin? Hope so. If not and it is from a GP, get to a Psychiatrist. You need Cognitive Therapy + meds (and statistically Buspar only works in 50 to 60% of those who take it and like an SSRI it must build up in your system)(and Welbutrin, though good for depression is known for causing increased anxiety in many patients - and I was one of them). Zoloft is what crushed my panic attacks plus about 2 years of Cog Therapy + Group therapy with other "Panic-tatics" + some Benzo use in rough patches. I did Bio-feedback and understand how to breath correctly now too. Get therapy from an experienced therapist.



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