Im 17 years old , I've had anxiety since July 2012 and got diagnosed October 2012 I'm on citrilopram I think it's called 10mg so a small dose. I am at sixth form (college) and going steady I use rescue remedy occasionally and have had hypnosis which I highly recommend! I'm studying for a levels and learning to drive so quite busy and everything's going well I don't worry anymore like I use to but I do have one worry that I can't just shake of is that it's going to come back/happen again and what my future will be like etc and it sounds silly I don't have harmful thoughts or anything I just worry occasionally if I end up like getting depressed and suicidal which I don't want to so I guess I still have an impending feeling of doom I suppose. So the question I'm asking really is its been just 4 months is my recovery process normal? I feel like I'm getting back on track but I'm still that 95% it's like will I ever get to 100% or am I just wanting to heal too soon I know I'm doing well but just want some advice reallyoh and I have an under active thyroid & take liquid iron with b12 .