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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Feeling like it's the end of my life

    I was really shy to share this since it may sound pretty silly, but since people can relate to me on this forum I figured I could explain it here. There was this big announcement a couple days ago and I was really excited. In fact, too excited that it got to be very uncomfortable later on. I had trouble sleeping and I'm feeling tired right now. My anxiousness is wrecking my sleep and now it seems like I'm going insane. I think I'm experiencing derealization now and my mind is thinking that the big announcement never even existed and other things feel like they don't exist. I feel like speech doesn't exist and I don't feel human. I don't think this is caused because I'm not getting enough sleep because I seem to be getting a decent amount of sleep but I keep getting up like every few hours and I just want to sleep like a baby again. I've experienced dissociative disorder a few days before the announcement. And I've got to go somewhere on Saturday so that's not gonna be fucking fun. Sorry for my language, but I'm just overwhelmed right now. I just want to sleep better, if that's really too much to ask. I'm not asking for a mansion, I'm not asking for a car. I'm asking for some sleep for the sake of my health. I'm having way too much anxiety over this and I just wish I could go back a few days. I'm getting effed over and letting my anxiety get to me. I feel like I'm forgetting everything of course I was feeling like that way before, so I'm not exactly sure if I'm getting enough sleep or not but it seems like I am not because of my exhaustion. Shit. Anybody out there, can you related to me?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I have been here before. And sometimes come back to it. I am trying really hard to just enjoy life and not let this anxiety /panic take over.. Try not to keep thinking of the way u feel. Try keeping your mind on other fun and uplifting things. Do something for you .. I know it seems harder right now to even think that way. Don't let it win. Keep your chin up. I think we all have been down this road before.

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I feel like u too its sucks



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