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  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2012

    Lexapro day 2?!?!

    So my panics been so bad lately I wake up with it, have it all day, go to bed with it everything. I panic constantly that I'm going to pass out because I'm dizzy alllll of the time like it never goes away. Ill have really bad dizziness and feel faint to where my legs give out and everything. Been checked out everything's fine. Last January my do for prescribed me Zoloft to try to help....made it ten times worse and since then I've been scared to be alone. I finally decided to go back to the doctor on Monday and she suggested I try lexapro. I was scared, and still am because of what happened with the Zoloft. But I started it 10mg Monday night and yesterday I felt horrible I couldn't sleep I was shaky dizzy. Last night I took the second one and today I feel worse. Couldn't sleep can't stop shaking and panicking. Also my eyes are dilated like I can't see right. Is this normal?

  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ann
    So my panics been so bad lately I wake up with it, have it all day, go to bed with it everything. I panic constantly that I'm going to pass out because I'm dizzy alllll of the time like it never goes away. Ill have really bad dizziness and feel faint to where my legs give out and everything. Been checked out everything's fine. Last January my do for prescribed me Zoloft to try to help....made it ten times worse and since then I've been scared to be alone. I finally decided to go back to the doctor on Monday and she suggested I try lexapro. I was scared, and still am because of what happened with the Zoloft. But I started it 10mg Monday night and yesterday I felt horrible I couldn't sleep I was shaky dizzy. Last night I took the second one and today I feel worse. Couldn't sleep can't stop shaking and panicking. Also my eyes are dilated like I can't see right. Is this normal?
    First I would check with your dr as I'm not a dr. I can only share how I'm doing on Lexapro, day 22 for me. I think sometimes the thought of taking something makes us anxious. We anticipate side effects and are constantly looking for them. That being said your dr would know best. I had headaches, I was tired, one day I felt wired up like I drank a pot of coffee. Little by little it went away and I'm feeling way more positive. Work has been going well. I even did the drive thru at McDonald's twice this week alone!!! That gave me so much anxiety before the meds that I avoided it a lot!

    It does take time for your body to adjust but only you and your dr can decide. Try to keep as busy as you can.

    Let us know what the dr says!!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Nov 2012
    I too had increased anxiety from Zoloft. My doctor just switched me last monday to Lexapro.
    I'm only on day 3 of the lexapro, but the switch hasn't been too bad.

    Are you going straight from zoloft to Lexapro? Or have you been off Meds for awhile?

    I have dizziness, headache, nausea, but that is probably because I am withdrawing from one Med, and starting another.

    I hope all goes well for you!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Nc, USA
    You need to take it in the morning .. If you take it at night it will keep u awake all night long

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Nc, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by ann
    So my panics been so bad lately I wake up with it, have it all day, go to bed with it everything. I panic constantly that I'm going to pass out because I'm dizzy alllll of the time like it never goes away. Ill have really bad dizziness and feel faint to where my legs give out and everything. Been checked out everything's fine. Last January my do for prescribed me Zoloft to try to help....made it ten times worse and since then I've been scared to be alone. I finally decided to go back to the doctor on Monday and she suggested I try lexapro. I was scared, and still am because of what happened with the Zoloft. But I started it 10mg Monday night and yesterday I felt horrible I couldn't sleep I was shaky dizzy. Last night I took the second one and today I feel worse. Couldn't sleep can't stop shaking and panicking. Also my eyes are dilated like I can't see right. Is this normal?
    I had A very bad anxiety started 5 weeks ago .. I also took the generic lexapro
    You need to take it in the morning or you will not going to sleep well if u take it at night

    But I asked my doctor to do some tests for me and I found that my "vitamin D " level is very low . I found out most of the people suffering from depression have a very low vitamin D in there body and they became much better after taking the vitamin D ..
    You guys needs to Check your vitamin D level too . You can search the Internet ( depression and vitamin D) you will find its related somehow ,, good luck

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2012
    My eyes were pretty dilated too and I'm on day one. I even had the paramedics come and check me out and I was fine. My blood pressure was normal, hr normal, oxygen normal, etc. We're just pushing ourselves into thinking there is a problem when there is not.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Michigan, USA
    I agree with Becki, we look for things because we know we took something. This is typical of people with anxiety. Before I went on it and then even once I did but it hadn't kicked in yet, I felt as though I had the bed spins and felt I was going to pass out. My Dr. told me if I had never passed out yet, I wasn't going to it was a sensation my mind was telling me to have.
    I love that you did McDonalds Becki.....mine was the car wash...lol. I would close my eyes and turn the radio up all the way till I got through it.

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    I too am on my second day of taking lexapro10mg (although this isnt the first time ive used it) and it has so far been hardly bearable. I was in the emergency last night after a pretty sevre panic attack and I have just been waking up feeling this blanket of anxiety over me all through the day, Ive been nauseas and haven't been able to eat these past few day, I also have a headache nearly all throughout the day. I've noticed my pupils are more dilated aswell. I'm going to stick with them though because in my mind it's just the anxiety trying to fight against the meds and i wont let it win. my pychiatrist wants me to go up too 20mg which is a dose she says is better suited people with anxiety. good luck and take care

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Omaha, NE
    I have been in Lexapro 10mg for 2 years now! The first two weeks are hard! I felt my heart racing harder ( prob from panic of taking a med), and I felt super stoned!!! My pupils were dilated for about a month and that really freaked me out!!!! It ALL goes away!!! I love this pill! I I will take it everyday for the test of my life!!!! Don't give up!!!! You have to get threw the first two weeks then you will see a huge difference in your life! It literally changed mine!!! People even noticed how happier I was!!! Keep me updated and if I can help get u threw these weeks in any way I will!!!

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2012
    I've been on lexapro since nov 8, at 10 mg. last week I upped it to .15 with drs advice and am feeling much better. I'm doing things and going places and relaxing more when I do. The beginning was tough but the anxiety was worse. I'm also doing CBT and that I'm starting to apply more in my daily life.



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