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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by enrapture View Post
    I get that internal shaky feeling too!!!! Also lately i have muscular feeling pain around my chest and back. Its driving me insane as pain also makes me panic.

    So hard to live a normal life at times!
    Same here :/

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by sandyrdh1 View Post
    My doc did all the tests and said my heart was fine. But these skipping beats are making my anxiety worse! I have them everyday. But when I do get a break from them for about an hour I feel great. Then they strike again. It's wearing me out!
    Yes hun I been having it lately I understand its a scary feeling & it seems like u can't enjoy life wen my heart skips my whole body hurts n then I try to eat n it skips but I have hope n I know it's just the anxiety

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by sandyrdh1 View Post
    Sorry to hear your going through it too. It is the worst feeling. Does yours skip every other beat and double beat too. Sometimes will skip every other then wait for about 3 normal beats and them skip again. Other times its every other beat and that's when it drives me crazy. It can last for hours sometimes. Also, at night when i wake up, i can feel ok then if i get up to go to the bathroom and lay back down they start again. Its strange. If its just skipping like every 10 beats I can handle it better. Sometimes I am afraid It will not go back to normal
    Yes hun I'm in the same situation sometimes I don't even want to get out of bed but I have 2 kids to watch over .. I just can't seem to enjoy my life & I always tell myself imma have a heart attack n sometimes I feel my heart beat low n sometimes fast & the skippibg n the flutter I know there scary but ur not alone

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    My heart started up again more yesterday and its its still skipping this morning. The last few days were better with only some during the day and then bam, here we go again yesterday and today. I am so tired of this. I can't even sit and relax without it jumping everywhere. I can see my shirt jump when it skips. Sometimes I feel my body jump when the heart skips. Somedays I just feel like its never going to end and I will be miserable the rest of my life. I mean its been doing this for 5 months straight everyday. Even if I don't feel anxiety.

  5. #25
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2012
    If ur getting the beats a lot, have u tried any kind of relaxation cd's and/or deep breathing exercises? Sometimes i find relaxed deep breathing can help and listening to a relaxing cd at the same time can help shut out the thought of your heart beats.

  6. #26
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    Dec 2012
    I do late at night before I go to bed. I have some apps for that. I just can't do it during the day etc since my 3 1/2 yr old is always awake then. Lol. I have tried it but she always wants my ear phones or my phone. There's no relaxing time there. Lol.

  7. #27
    Junior Member
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    I know the feeling Haha. I have a 9 yr old and 19 month old. Try to distract yourself from it when it happens. I know how hard it is though. I usually cough for some reason as if coughing will make my heart go back to normal again, and try to take some slow deep breaths.

  8. #28
    Junior Member
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    I know the feeling Haha. I have a 9 yr old and 19 month old. Try to distract yourself from it when it happens. I know how hard it is though. I usually cough for some reason as if coughing will make my heart go back to normal again, and try to take some slow deep breaths.

  9. #29
    Junior Member
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    One thing that's really helped me is having my doctor write out that my heart is perfectly normal, pvc's and pac's are a normal thing and that they won't hurt me. My counselor told me to do that about a month ago. I've had almost all the tests done and they all come back clean. Since having my Dr's note in my purse I've only had 2 skipped beats in the past month. A VAST improvement than before!

  10. #30
    Yes. Pretty often too. It's usually when I'm watching tv. The amount of times I have to feel for my heart beat just to make sure it's ok....



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