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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Worry vs. Anxiety vs. Panic.

    What would you class as the varying differences between worry, anxiety and panic?

    What do you get, how often and what, both mental and physical symptoms do you get?

  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    South Central PA
    That is kind of a sticky slope. It is different for many people. For me, I have general anxiety disorder. My worry and anxiety are one in the same. I can tolerate high levels of anxiety before it goes to panic. I have only ever had 2 panic attacks and once I felt them coming on they hit me like a rock. Quick and hard.

    My husband on the other hand has panic with his anxiety. He has nagging worry, but when he gets anxious, he gets chest pains, physical pains, and has shortness of breath. His anxiety progresses very fast to panic.

    If you are trying to figure out if you have any of these or which one, my best thoughts are to talk to your doc and do research on the net. Like I said, everyone is different. Just know you are NOT alone!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2012
    I have always been a worrier and had mild anxiety in certain situations. It was when I had a panic attack that I knew it was more than just worrying.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2012
    I think it just depends on the person, what each of us would classify as worry, and anxiety. But I think panic is when logic flies out the window and you have a visceral and psychological response to something, be it a thought or an action that is taken against us. (Not necessarily a bad thing. You could get anxiety from a loving hug.) I think that is when meds are really important, to help us calm down from the highest of heights. When we're calm, we can talk, journal, or practice techniques to help us keep from reaching panic.



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