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  1. #1

    Has anyone had or does anyone have blurry vision with their anxiety?

    i was just wondering because i get it a lot and i'm wondering whether i should go to the doctor. sometimes it's just hard to see clearly. i get regular eye check ups and they say it's not my eyes. does anyone else get blurry vision with anxiety? thanks for the help and reply in advance.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ellen1 View Post
    i was just wondering because i get it a lot and i'm wondering whether i should go to the doctor. sometimes it's just hard to see clearly. i get regular eye check ups and they say it's not my eyes. does anyone else get blurry vision with anxiety? thanks for the help and reply in advance.
    Yes, my vision gets weird! Ive had what they call migrain in the eye, vision gets blurry w colors in shapes! Eye dr said it was stress/anxiety!

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    May 2012
    I know that blurred vision is one of the many nasty surprises anxiety can spring on the sufferer.

    Anxiety can mess with blood sugars, blood circulation, brain chemicals & cause the pupils to dilate - each and everyone of these effects could influence vision.

    Naturally, it's always best to get a professional, medical opinion on it.

  4. #4
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dallas, Texas
    I do.

    I wouldnt necessarily say dizzy is the right word but it does somewhat throw off my vision.



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