So for years I had major problems opening up to people but I changed that.
Lately for the past few months I feel like I was left.
I also feel extremely silly and embarrassed just typing this, that maybe I'm an idiot and there is no real problem at all.
But I feel like no one cares about me, I make an effort to talk to my roommates and I also make an effort to talk to my friends from up north as well as here in Florida.
I feel worthless because I'm not working and I'm probably going to be evicted because I'm late on this months rent...
I have no income, I'm 22, I didn't get my associates degree yet intact I'm not even enrolled.
My father tells me he won't talk to me until I'm in school and have a job.
A year ago my step father constantly harassed me and told me I'm f*cking retarded and that I don't deserve anything. I know that's not true but it hurts. I don't know how to just care for me I end up caring for everyone else first like my mother. My father barely talks to me and I feel like if I got straight a's that he would have made more of an attempt.
Why can I just suck it up and move on and do well for me?
I feel like if I died my sisters and family would care for maybe a year and move on and my life would have been a waste.
I was adopted and brought here at age 6 weeks and I don't feel special, I feel like I'm missing something in my heart.
I'm 22 and I feel like a child that's lost at the beach. I feel immature. I feel like a moron...